List of violent incidents in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, July–December 2016

For an outline of what is excluded from, or included in, this list,, see List of violent incidents in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, January–June 2015. For events from January to June 2016, see List of violent incidents in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, January–June 2016.


1 July

4 July

5–11 July Overview

50 Palestinians, of whom 14 were children, suffered injuries in clashes, mostly during 98 search and arrest operations by Israeli troops throughout the West Bank, leading to the arrest of 95 Palestinians. Gazans were fired on at least 7 times in incidents involving land and sea operations, and on 4 occasions Israel conducted bulldozing operations to level ground inside the Gaza Strip. One Palestinian was killed, and 3 reports of Israeli vehicles being stoned by Palestinians were registered.[18]

5 July

6 July

9 July

11 July

12–18 July overview

44 Palestinians, including 13 children, were injured in clashes with Israeli troops over this period, 42 of which incidents occurred in the West Bank. A further 2 were shot in the Gaza Strip in the ARA or restricted area to which Gazans are denied access, one reportedly while out hunting birds. Twenty-three Palestinian properties were razed for lack of Israeli building permits, leaving 43 people, 25 of them children displaced. Nine attacks by settlers on Palestinians and their property were registered, including the burning of 150 olive trees in Bethlehem, the uprooting of 5 dunums of sorghum near the village of Huwwara, and the theft of over 50 sacks of hay and wheat grain in Qusra, attributed to settler actions. Six Palestinian vehicles were damaged by settler stone throwing; two Israelis were injured by Palestinians[38]

13 July

14 July

18 July

19-25 July Overview

74 Palestinians, of whom 18 were children, were injured in clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank. Farmers and fishermen from the Gaza Strip were fired on at least 10 times. On 4 separate occasions Israeli demolition teams razed 7 Palestinian structures in east Jerusalem. Armed settlers shot at Palestinians farming their land near the village of al-Khader and the Israeli settlement of El’azar, near Bethlehem.[56]

19 July

20 July

21 July

22 July

23 July

24 July

25 July

26 July-1 August Overview

One Palestinian was killed, and a woman wounded, from alleged stabbing attacks at checkpoints, bringing the number of Palestinians killed in such incidents in 2016 to 60, and the number of Israelis 11; 67 Palestinians, of whom 14 were children, were injured in clashes with Israeli troops. On 7 occasions farmers and fishermen from the Gaza Strip were fired on. Israel razed 20 Palestinian structures in East Jerusalem, displacing 17 people, and impacting on a further 221. Palestinians threw Molotov cocktails at Israeli cars in the West Bank on six occasions, while settlers injured one Palestinian driver by throwing bottles at his vehicle.[72]

26 July

27 July

29 July

30 July

31 July


2–8 August overview

2 August

3 August

4 August

5 August

7 August

8 August

9–15 August overview

92 Palestinians, of whom 15 were children, were injured in clashes throughout the week. 32% from Israeli fire, live and otherwise, the rest mainly from tear gas inhalation.115 Palestinians were detained in Israeli West Bank search-and-arrest operations in the West Bank. 2 stabbing attempts were made, and one girl was arrested for carrying a knife. Israeli forces opened fire 15 times on Gazans in the restricted area, without injury.12Area C structures, some donated for people displaced by previous demolitions, were razed by Israeli forces, leaving 22 people, of whom 9 were children, displaced, while a further 120 were affected. Settlers and Palestinians clashed at the villages of Asira al Qibliya and Qusra, in the district of Nablus. 290 Palestinian olive trees in the villages of Iskaka and Khallet an Nahla, the destruction motivated by charges the land was Israeli state land.[97]

9 August

10 August

11 August

13 August

14 August

15 August

16–22 August overview

88 Palestinians of whom 14 were children were shot and wounded in the West Bank, 52,32 by live fire, were injured in one incident that took place at Fawwar Refugee Camp. One youth was killed. 4 Palestinians, one 17 years old, were shot with live fire in the Gaza Strip, while work was interrupted in the ARA restricted zones by Israeli warning shots fired on several occasions. 28 Palestinian structures were demolished and 55 Palestinians displaced, and a further 800 affected in Area C and East Jerusalem. Water pipelines serving 41 Bedouin families were cut off in the area of Jerusalem. Israeli authorities also confiscated a water tank, a digger, an electricity generator and a welding machine from several villages, and razed 330 olive and grape vines, asserting the plantations were on Israeli state land in the West Bank. Palestinian stone-throwing damaged properties near Husan, Hizma, and Shuafat, injuring one settler.[116]

16 August

17 August

18 August

19 August

21 August

22 August

23 August–5 September overview

66 Palestinians suffered injuries in clashes, mostly during some of the 186 search-and-arrest raids conducted by Israeli forces for the period, which led to the arrest of 239 West Bank Palestinians. 5 Israeli soldiers were hurt by stone-throwing. Israeli troops opened fire on at least 18 occasions in the restricted zones of the Gaza Strip, wounding a herder and a fisherman. Some 28 Palestinian structures were subject to demolition or confiscation for lack of Israeli permits in Area C of the West Bank, or the Jerusalem area. 58 people were thereby displaced. 300 olive trees in Palestinian groves were extirpated in Jayyous and Ras Atiya. Settlers attacked a Palestinian in East Jerusalem and unleashed dogs that attacked a Palestinian near Deir Istiya. Orchards were damaged when sewage from the settlement of Betar Illit was reported discharged on the farmlands of Husan village. 4 Israeli vehicles were damaged from stone throwing, and 2 Israelis injured.[137]

24 August

25 August

26 August

27 August

29 August

30 August

31 August


1 September

2 September

3 September

4 September

5 September

6 September-19 September overview

Over 4 days, from 16 to 19 September, 7 lone wolf attacks and alleged attacks were carried out. 6 of the suspected assailants were shot dead, 3 were injured while 5 Israeli security personnel and 3 settlers were injured. 2 Palestinians were shot dead and 98 Palestinians, of whom 37 children, were injured from live and rubber bullets or tear gas inhalation in clashes with Israeli troops. Gazans were fired on 29 times for entering the Restricted Access Zone in or along the Gaza Strip. 183 Palestinians were detained by Israeli search-and-arrest raids in the West Bank. Israeli authorities demolished or had the owners forcibly demolish 15 Palestinian-owned structures in Area C and East Jerusalem on the grounds that they lacked Israeli building permits, resulting in 23 people, among them 12 children, being displaced.2 Israeli vehicles were damaged, and their 4 occupants injured, from 6 Palestinian stone-throwing incidents. Settlers reportedly burnt 45 olive trees in the West Bank villages of Jinsafut and Burin, while uncultivated village land in the latter hamlet was bulldozed by settlers under armed IDSF guard.[171]

6 September

7 September

8 September

9 September

10 September

12 September

13 September

14 September

15 September

16 September

17 September

18 September

19 September

20 September

21 September

22 September

23 September

27 September

28 September

29 September

30 September


4 October

5 October

6 October

7 October

9 October

10 October

11 October

12 October

13 October

14 October

15 October

16 October

17 October

18 October

19 October

20 October

21 October

22 October

23 October

24 October

25 October

26 October

27 October

28 October

29 October

30 October

31 October


November 1

2 November

3 November

5 November

7 November

8 November

9 November

10 November

13 November

14 November

15 November

17 November

18 November

19 November

20 November

21 November

22 November

See also


  1. 1 2 Donald Macintyre, 'Israel deploys hundreds of troops in search for Palestinian gunman', The Guardian 1 July 2016.
  2. 'Stabbing attempt in Hebron, IDF marks Kiryat Arba terrorist's home', Ynet 1 July 2016
  3. 'Israeli Soldiers Kill A Pregnant Palestinian Woman In Hebron', IMEMC 1 July 2016.
  4. 'Extrajudicial killing at Tomb of Patriarchs: Israeli Border Police officer shoots and kills Sarah Hajuj though she no longer poses threat', B'Tselem 5 July 2016.
  5. Elisha Ben Kimon & Yael Freidson, 'Murdered: Miki Mark, father of ten, yeshiva principal', Ynet 1 July 2016.
  6. 'Shooting attack at family car kills father, wounds mother and two children', Ynet 1 July 2016.
  7. Elior Levy, 'Palestinian doctor tried to save terror victims', Ynet 5 July 2016.
  8. 'Palestinian describes aiding settler family hit by shooting attack', The Times of Israel 3 July 2016.
  9. 'Palestinian civilians reportedly first to respond, treat Israelis wounded in Hebron shooting', Ma'an News Agency 3 July 2016.
  10. 'Palestinian man dies of tear gas inhalation after clashes erupt at Qalandiya', Ma'an News Agency 1 July 2016.
  11. Eli, Yossi (1 July 2016). "שוטר נפצע קל מאבן שהושלכה לעברו במהומות בקלנדיה" [Policeman lightly injured from a stone thrown at him in a riot in Kalandia]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  12. Eli, Yossi (1 July 2016). "נעצרו שני חשודים ביידוי אבנים לעבר הרכבת הקלה בירושלים" [Two suspects for stone throwing at the light rail caught in Jerusalem]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  13. "Rocket fired from Gaza hits vacant Israeli preschool". The Times of Israel. 1 July 2016. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  14. "ארגון פלסטיני המזוהה עם דאעש קיבל אחריות על הירי לשדרות" [Palestinian organization affiliated with ISIL claims responsibility for the shooting toward Sderot]. Walla! (in Hebrew). 2 July 2016. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  15. Yagne, Yanir; Buckbut, Amir (2 July 2016). "רקטה התפוצצה במרכז קהילתי בשדרות; צה"ל תקף מטרות ברצועה" [Rocket exploded in a coummnity center in Sderot, IAF attack targets in the Strip]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  16. 'Israeli forces demolish 2 Palestinian homes in Qalandiya, injure 4 with live fire', Ma'an News Agency 4 July 2016.
  17. 1 2 Zitun, Yoav; Levy, Elior (4 July 2016). "IDF demolish terrorists' homes, arrest brothers of Hallel Ariel's killer". Ynet. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  18. 'Protection of Civilians Weekly Report,5-11 July 2016', OCHA 14 July 2016.
  19. Elisha Ben Kimon & Yoav Zitun, 'Would-be stabber shot by soldier she attacked', Ynet 5 July 2016.
  20. 'Palestinian woman wounded after alleged attempted stabbing attack near Israeli settlement in Salfit', Ma'an News Agency 5 July 2016.
  21. 'Dashcam captures attempted Palestinian stabbing attack', The Times of Israel 6 July 2016.
  22. Gideon Levy, 'I Thought Israeli Soldiers Weren't Supposed to Shoot Palestinian Girls Anymore', Haaretz 7 July 2016.
  23. Bendet, Shabtay (5 July 2016). "בת 30 נפצעה קל מיידוי אבנים בכביש 60 ליד קריית ארבע" [Thirty year old woman lightly injured from stone throwing in highway 60 near Kiryat Arab]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  24. 'Palestinian injured in alleged car ramming attack, lightly injuring 3 Israeli soldiers', Ma'an News Agency 6 July 2016.
  25. 'Suspected car ramming attack in West Bank', The Jerusalem Post 6 July 2016.
  26. 1 2 3 'Israeli settler reportedly injured in rock-throwing incident', Ma'an News Agency 6 July 2016.
  27. 'Arab teen arrested for firebombing Hadassah Medical centre', The Jerusalem Post 6 July 2016.
  28. Freidson, Yael (6 July 2016). "Rock-throwing causes damage to Jerusalem light rail". Ynet. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  29. "At least 10 Palestinians hurt in IDF raids in West Bank". The Times of Israel. 6 July 2016. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  30. 'Shooting victim: By a 'miracle,' terrorist didn't fire right away', The Times of Israel 10 July 2016.
  31. Elisha ben Kimon, Yael Fridson, 'Man shot outside Tekoa', Ynet 9 July 2016.
  32. Judah Ari Gross, 'Army seals off two villages in manhunt for West Bank shooter', The Times of Israel 10 July 2016.
  33. 1 2 "Israeli forces violently suppress clashes in sealed Hebron village in wake of shooting". Ma'an News Agency. 10 July 2016. Retrieved 11 July 2016.
  34. 'Israel forces shoot, injure 2 Palestinians during clashes in blockaded Hebron village', Ma'an News Agency 11 July 2016.
  35. 'Report: Israeli forces torch olive trees on private Palestinian land', Ma'an News Agency 11 July 2016.
  36. Steinmatz, Moshe (11 July 2016). "מטען מאולתר הושלך בקבר רחל; נזק נגרם לרכב, אין נפגעים" [Improvised explosive device thrown in Rachel's tomb; damage caused to vehicle; no casualties reported]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 14 July 2016.
  37. Eli, Yossi (13 July 2016). "נעצרה חוליית נערים שהשליכו מטעני צינור לעבר קבר רחל" [Squad of teens who have thrown explosive charges toward Rachel's tomb were arrested]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 14 July 2016.
  38. 'Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 12-18 July 2016' OCHA
  39. 'Fearing ramming attack, police fire at car, killing Palestinian', The Times of Israel 13 July 2016.
  40. 'Israeli forces kill 1 Palestinian youth, injure 1, and detain 1 other', Ma'an News Agency 13 July 2016.
  41. Gili Cohen, Jack Khoury, Nir Hasson 'Palestinian Shot Dead by Israeli Forces During Weapons Raid', Haaretz 13 July 2016.
  42. Elisha ben Kimon, 'One dead in shooting at illegal weapons facility', Ynet 13 July 2016.
  43. 'Israel to carry out autopsy on Palestinian slain during army raid', Ma'an News Agency 14 July 2016.
  44. 'Israeli army carries out explosions in central Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 14 July 2016.
  45. Ben Zion, Ilan (14 July 2016). "Knife-carrying Palestinian shot by police in Shuafat". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 14 July 2016.
  46. 'Israeli forces shoot Palestinian youth attempting to prevent another's detention', Ma'an News Agency 13 July 2016.
  47. '11 Palestinians injured with live fire after clashes erupt near Birzeit University in Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 15 July 2016.
  48. 'Israeli settlers throw rocks at Palestinian vehicles in northern West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 16 July 2016
  49. '5 Palestinians injured with live fire during Israeli demolition of prisoner's home', Ma'an News Agency 18 July 2016.
  50. 'Israeli forces fire at Palestinian driver, detain him after apparent traffic accident', Ma'an News Agency 18 July 2016.
  51. Ma'an18716
  52. 'Palestinian shot and severely injured after alleged stab attack, injuring 2 Israeli soldiers', Ma'an News Agency 18 July 2016.
  53. 'Palestinian shot by Israeli forces after carrying out attack succumbs to wounds', Ma'an News Agency 19 July 2016.
  54. 'Palestinian man tried to stop family brawl in Shufat, is shot 9 times by Israeli forces, Ma'an News Agency 18 July 2016.
  55. 'Palestinian boy hurt in hit-and-run accident with suspected settler in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 18 July 2016.
  56. Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 19-25 July 2016, OCHA 28 July 2016.
  57. 'Israeli navy shoots and injures Gaza fisherman, bulldozers level land near border', Ma'an News Agency 19 July 2016.
  58. 1 2 3 'Israeli forces demolish structures in Silwan, Beit Hanina neighborhoods of Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 19 July 2016.
  59. 'Israeli soldiers kill 12-year-old Palestinian during clashes in central West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 19 July 2016.
  60. 'Israeli Border Police fire black sponge round at chest of 10-year-old boy in a-Ram, killing him', B'Tselem 3 August 2016.
  61. 'Israeli police investigating suspected arson attack in Palestinian village of Duma', Ma'an News Agency 20 July 2016.
  62. 'Year after Duma killings, Palestinians report fresh firebomb attack', The Times of Israel 20 July 2016.
  63. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian farmer in central Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 20 July 2016.
  64. 'Israeli forces demolish Palestinian structures in Jerusalem for second consecutive day', Ma'an News Agency 20 July 2016.
  65. 'Israeli forces close entrances to Bethlehem-area towns after shooting near Israeli settlement', Ma'an News Agency 20 July 2016.
  66. 'Shots fired at Israeli settler's vehicle near Beit Sahour', 22 July 2016.
  67. 'Palestinian youths injured during clashes with Israeli soldiers in Kafr Qaddum', Ma'an News Agency 22 July 2016.
  68. 'Israeli settlers threaten, fire toward Palestinians on their private land', Ma'an News Agency 23 July 2016.
  69. 'Palestinian youth injured in head with live fire during Israeli raid on Ramallah-area village', Ma'an News Agency 24 July 2016.
  70. forces demolish 12 homes in Qalandiya village, assault homeowners', Ma'an News Agency 25 July 2016.
  71. Gideon Levy, Alex Levac, In Hebron, Israeli Forces Destroyed a Bicycle Built for 10 Haaretz 13 August 2016.
  72. Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 26 July–1 August 2016, OCHA 4 August 2016.
  73. 'Israeli forces demolish 4 structures in East Jerusalem's Issawiya', Ma'an News Agency 26 July 2016.
  74. 'Israeli police shoot, injure Palestinian woman at Qalandiya checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 26 July 2016.
  75. 'Checkpoint guards shoot knife-carrying Palestinian woman', The Times of Israel 26 July 2016.
  76. 'Israeli forces clash with Palestinians in West Bank, East Jerusalem, dozens injured', Ma'an News Agency 26 July2016.
  77. 'Palestinian accused of Hebron shooting killed after Israeli forces bombard house', Ma'an News Agency 27 July 2016.
  78. "IDF arrests 2 PA young men for rock throwing". Ynet. 27 July 2016. Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  79. 'Israeli forces injure two Palestinians in Gaza during clashes near Israeli border', Ma'an News Agency 29 July 2016.
  80. 'Israeli forces detain 5 Palestinians, injure 1 in raids', Ma'an News Agency 30 July2016.
  81. 'Israeli forces shoot, kill Palestinian in stab attempt at Huwwara checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 31 July 2016.
  82. 1 2 3 4 'Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 2–8 August 2016', OCHA 12 August 2016.
  83. Ben Kimon, Elisha (4 August 2016). "אחד ממשוחררי עסקת שליט נעצר שוב בחשד לפעילות טרור" [One of Shalit deal released prisoners arrested again on suspicion of involvment in terror]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  84. Israel demolishes Palestinian home in East Jerusalem for 6th time in 10 years', Ma'an News Agency 2 August 2016.
  85. 'Israeli navy opens fire at Palestinian fishermen off Gaza coast', Ma'an News Agency 4 August 2016.
  86. Shabtay, Bendet (4 August 2016). "חשד: פעילי "תג מחיר" תקפו עדר עזים של רועה בדואית באזור בנימין" ["Tag Mehir" activists suspected of attacking a Beduin shepherd's herd of goats in Binyamin region]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  87. "Israeli settlers attack Palestinian girl in Ramallah, stab and kill her sheep". Ma'an News Agency. 4 August 2016. Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  88. Ari Gross, Judah (4 August 2016). "IDF demolishes homes of Sarona Market terrorists". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  89. 'Israeli forces demolishes homes of Tel Aviv attack suspects', Ma'an News Agency 4 August 2016.
  90. 'Israeli forces demolish Palestinian structures in Jericho', Ma'an News Agency 4 August 2016.
  91. 'Israeli forces demolish structures in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 5 August 2016.
  92. '6 Palestinians injured by Israeli live fire in Gaza clashes', Ma'an News Agency 5 August 2016.
  93. 'Several Palestinians injured in clashes, Israeli forces storm southern Nablus villages', Ma'an News Agency 7 August 2016.
  94. 'Israeli forces detain 2 Palestinian teens, injuring 1, north of Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 7 August 2016.
  95. 1 2 3 4 'Israeli forces demolishes Palestinian structures across West Bank, assault locals', Ma'an News Agency 9 August 2016.
  96. 'Israeli authorities force Palestinian man to demolish own barn near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 8 August 2016.
  97. 1 2 'Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 9 - 15 August 2016', OCHA 18 August 2016.
  98. 'Israeli forces detain girl in Hebron after alleged stabbing attempt', Ma'an News Agency 9 August 2016.
  99. 'Palestinian woman held for pulling knife in Hebron', The Times of Israel 9 August 2016.
  100. Buckbut, Amir (9 August 2016). "שבעה פלסטינים נפצעו בעימותים עם צה"ל באזור בית לחם" [Seven Palestinians injured in clashes with IDF in Bethlehem area]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  101. "Israeli forces raid al-Duheisha refugee camp, injure 7 Palestinians with live fire". Ma'an News Agency. 9 August 2016. Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  102. Ari Gross, Judah (9 August 2016). "Soldiers, Palestinians clash during West Bank arrest raid". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  103. 'Unidentified suspects throw Molotov cocktails at shed in Israeli settlement', Ma'an News Agency 10 August 2016.
  104. 'Palestinian dies after being run over by Israeli settler in Nablus in unclear circumstances', Ma'an News Agency 10 August 2016.
  105. 'Israeli forces injure 4 Palestinians with live fire, detain 1 in Ramallah-area raids', Ma'an News Agency 10 August 2016.
  106. 'Israeli settler bulldozers uproot 500 olive trees in Salfit', Ma'an News Agency 10 August 2016.
  107. 'Israeli forces detain 12 Palestinians across West Bank during predawn raids, injure 2 with live fire', Ma'an News Agency 11 August 2016.
  108. 'Israeli youth stabbed, lightly wounded in occupied East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 11 August 2016.
  109. 'Israeli forces detain Palestinian youth suspected in Jerusalem stabbing attack', Ma'an News Agency 17 August 2016.
  110. forces detain 4 Palestinians, confiscate property, in southern West Bank raids', Ma'an News Agency 13 August 2016.
  111. 'Israeli forces injure Palestinian with live fire during protests in the Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 13 August 2016.
  112. 'Israeli forces detain Palestinian girl after alleged stabbing attack at Jenin checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 14 August 2016.
  113. Judah Ari Gross, 'IDF demolishes home of terrorist who killed 13-year-old in her bed', The Times of Israel 15 August 2016.
  114. 'Israeli navy detains 5 Gaza fishermen, confiscate boat', 16 August 2016.
  115. 'Video: Israeli soldiers throw sound bomb at Palestinian youth in Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 15 August 2016.
  116. Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 16-22 August 2016, OCHA 25 August 2016.
  117. 1 2 'Sniper kills Muhammad Abu Hashhash in al-Fawwar RC though he posed no threat', B'Tselem 9 September 2016.
  118. 'Israeli forces storm Hebron area refugee camp, injure 35 with live fire, tear gas, rubber bullets', Ma'an News Agency 16 August 2016.
  119. 'Palestinian teen dies after being shot in heart by Israeli forces in al-Fawwar clashes', Ma'an News Agency 16 August 2016
  120. 'During raid on al-Fawwar: Military sniper shot a Palestinian man standing on his rooftop 4 times, injuring his hand and legs', B'Tselem 16 September 2016.
  121. 'Israeli forces uproot 50 olive trees as Palestinian farmer awaits court date to appeal', Ma'an News Agency 16 August 2016.
  122. 1 2 3 4 'Israel demolishes multiple Palestinian structures in Jerusalem area', Ma'an News Agency 16 August 2016.
  123. 'Some 70 Palestinians left homeless after Israeli demolitions near Hebron, Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 16 August 2016.
  124. 1 2 'Israeli forces demolish Palestinian-owned structures in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 17 August 2016.
  125. Friedson, Yael (18 August 2016). "נזק נגרם לרכבת הקלה בירושלים בעקבות יידוי אבנים, אין נפגעים" [Damage made to the light rail in Jerusalem as result of stone throwing; no injuries] (in Hebrew). Ynet. Retrieved 1 September 2016.
  126. 3 injured with rubber bullets, dozens suffer tear gas inhalation during Kafr Qaddum, Bilin protests', Ma'an News Agency 19 August 2016.
  127. 'Israeli forces use electric shock on 16-year-old Palestinian prisoner, assault others', Ma'an News Agency 19 August 2016.
  128. 'Israeli forces injure Palestinian with live fire, detain another in clashes near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 21 August 2016.
  129. 1 2 Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun & Elior Levy, 'Rocket fired at Sderot, IDF retaliates', Ynet 21 August 2016
  130. 1 2 Judah Ari Gross, Tamar Pileggi, 'Israel strikes 50 times in Gaza after rocket attack', The Times of Israel 22 August 2016.
  131. '3 Palestinians injured by Israeli shelling in Gaza after rocket falls in southern Israel', Ma'an News Agency 21 August 2016.
  132. Judah Ari Gross, 'Israeli jets strike Gaza multiple times in fresh response to rocket', The Times of Israel 21 August 2016.
  133. '5 Palestinians injured by Israeli shelling in Gaza after rocket falls in southern Israel', Ma'an News Agency 21 August 2016.
  134. Yoav Zitun & Alexandra Lukash, 'IDF hits dozens of targets in Gaza following rocket attack on Sderot', Ynet 22 August 2016.
  135. Judah Ari Gross, 'With 50 raids in 2 hours, has Liberman begun to implement his new security plan?', The Times of Israel 22 August 2016.
  136. 'Israeli forces carry out massive raids in Bethlehem, Hebron, injuring 6 Palestinians', Ma'an News Agency 23 August 2016.
  137. 'Protection of Civilians Weekly Report | 23 August - 5 September 2016', OCHA 8 September 2016.
  138. 'Israeli forces kill Palestinian near Nablus after alleged stabbing attack', Ma'an News Agency 24 August 2016.
  139. 'Israeli forces demolish 3 homes, cultural center in village of Umm al-Kheir', Ma'an News Agency 18 August 2016.
  140. 'Israeli forces detain 14 Palestinians during predawn raids, injure 1 with live fire', Ma'an News Agency 24 August 2016.
  141. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian man at Gaza border crossing', Ma'an News Agency 16 August 2016.
  142. 'Extremist Israeli settler indicted for minor charges after opening fire on Palestinian vehicle', Ma'an News Agency 4 September 2016.
  143. 'Israeli forces wound Palestinian fisherman after opening fire on boats in the northern Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 25 August 2016.
  144. Richard Hardigan, 'Palestinians with disabilities are not immune from Israeli violence', Mondoweiss, 12 September 2016.
  145. Judah Ari Gross, Ilan Ben Zion, 'Palestinian who ran at troops shot dead near West Bank settlement', The Times of Israel 26 August 2016.
  146. '2 Palestinians shot in Duheisha, as Israeli commander threatens to 'disable all youth in the camp, Ma'an News Agency 18 August 2016::"I will make all the youth of the camp disabled," "I will have all of you walking with crutches and in wheelchairs," "I will make half of you disabled, and let the other half push the wheelchairs," and "I will make all of you stand in line at the ATM waiting for your disability subsidies and assistance.".
  147. 'Israeli forces targeting Palestinian youth in the West Bank Resource', Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights 23 August 2016.
  148. Bukhbut, Amir (27 August 2016). "לוחם מג"ב נפגע מאבן שהושלכה לעברו ליד י-ם; מצבו קל" [Magav fighter hit by stone hurled at him near Jerusalem; his condition is light]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 1 September 2016.
  149. Steinmatz, Moshe (28 August 2016). "אבנים יודו לעבר הרכבת הקלה בירושלים; אין נפגעים" [Stones hurled toward the light rail in Beit Hanina; no injuries]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 1 September 2016.
  150. 'Israel demolishes homes in East Jerusalem neighborhoods of Silwan, Sur Bahir', Ma'an News Agency 30 August 2016.
  151. 'Israeli forces reportedly assault 11 Palestinian youths in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 31 August 2016.
  152. 'Israeli forces confiscate paving equipment in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 31 August 2016.
  153. 'Israeli soldier injured in overnight clashes near Joseph's Tomb', Ma'an News Agency 31 August 2016.
  154. 'Israeli Authorities Confiscate Caravans in Jordan Valley, Leaving 14 People Homeless', B'Tselem 1 September 2016.
  155. 'Israeli Authorities the Homes of Three Families in M'azi Jaba' to the North East of Jerusalem', B'Tselem 31 Aug 2016
  156. "Israeli soldier wounded by gunfire at West Bank holy site". i24 News. 1 September 2016. Retrieved 1 September 2016.
  157. "Israeli Soldier Wounded While Guarding Worshippers Praying at West Bank Tomb". Haaretz. 1 September 2016. Retrieved 1 September 2016.
  158. Bukhbut, Amir; Bendet, Shabtai (1 September 2016). "חייל נפצע קל-בינוני מירי במהלך אבטחת מתפללים בקבר יוסף שבשכם" [Soldier moderately wounded from gunfire while guarding worshippers at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 1 September 2016.
  159. 'Israeli forces detain young Palestinian woman at Qalandiya for allegedly attempting stab attack', Ma'an News Agency 1 September 2016.
  160. 'Palestinian photojournalist injured in Kafr Qaddum protest, forces raid East Jerusalem neighborhoods', Ma'an News Agency 2 September 2016.
  161. 1 2 'Israeli artillery launch strikes at Hamas posts in northern Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 4 September 2016.
  162. Roi Yanovsky, Elior Levy, 'Terrorist killed in Jerusalem attempted vehicular attack', Ynet 5 September 2016.
  163. 'Palestinian shot dead by army while bringing home food, baby clothes, grieving mother recounts', Ma'an News Agency 5 September 2016.
  164. Israeli intelligence informs father of slain Palestinian his son was 'killed by mistake' Ma'an News Agency 6 September 2016.
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  347. Steinmatz, Moshe (17 November 2016). "בקבוק תבערה הושלך לעבר בית יהודים במזרח ירושלים" [Molotov hurled at Jewish's home in East Jerusalem]. Walla! (in Hebrew).
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