LGBT history in Romania

Homosexual acts in Romania were decriminalised in 1996.[1]


The Romanian space prevails historically of repression of homosexuality. Thus, the cultures of peoples that invaded the Dacian space, being undeveloped cultures, fail to provide a political correctness resulted through education. The acceptance of homosexuality in Dacian space occurs once with the transformation of Dacia in Roman province and the inoculation of Roman concepts of society and culture to autochthonous population.

Middle Ages

Middle Ages are characterized by social regression in the Romanian space, and the Christianization by Saint Andrew in Dobruja and the positioning on the border of religions (anti-Muslim shield) amplify bigotry. There is evidence of harsh punishment of homosexual acts although only for the poor, nobility enjoying all sexual privileges. However, examples of homosexual acts or relationships in that period can be retrieved in Dan Horia Mazilu's book, Voievodul, dincolo de sala tronului:[2]

Modern era

Under communist regime

Ion Negoițescu, prominent gay writer

Present-day evolutions

Mariana Cetiner


  1. "Where is it illegal to be gay?". BBC News. Retrieved 12 February 2014.
  2. Dan Horia Mazilu (2003). Voievodul dincolo de sala tronului. Hors Collection. ISBN 973-681-147-6.
  3. Codul Penal 1 Maiu 1865 cu modificările din 1874, 1882, 1893, 1894, 1895—Textul Codului Penal și Procedurii Penale. Bucharest: Librăria Nouă. 1908.
  4. "Codul Penal din 1864". Lege5 Online.
  5. Mădălina Kadar (2 February 2015). "Homosexualitatea: o istorie de secole, plină de controverse". Transilvania Reporter.
  6. 1 2 3 "Homosexualitatea în România: de la „Mandruli pederastu", la corecții fizice și suicid de rușine". Adevărul. 20 April 2013.
  7. "Codul Penal din 1968". Lege5 Online.
  8. Public Scandals: Sexual Orientation and Criminal Law in Romania. Human Rights Watch. ISBN 1-56432-178-9.
  9. Dorin Timonea (29 November 2013). "Cazul cutremurător al Marianei Cetiner, ultima femeie condamnată în România pentru lesbianism". Adevărul.
  10. "Istoric". ACCEPT.
  11. Vlad Levente Viski (16 April 2015). "Minoritățile sexuale în România. Atitudini sociale, strategii, realități". CriticAtac.
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