Historical United States Census totals for Rockingham County, New Hampshire

This article shows U.S. Census totals for Rockingham County, New Hampshire, broken down by municipality, from 1900 to 2000.

Like most areas of New England, Rockingham County is (and has been at all times since well before the 20th century) entirely divided into incorporated municipalities. There is no unincorporated territory. For any census, adding up the totals for each municipality should yield the county total.

There are two types of incorporated municipalities in New Hampshire, towns and cities. The tables below differentiate between towns and cities.

For more information on the New England municipal system, see New England town.

Corporate changes since 1900

There have been no changes in Rockingham County’s municipality roster since 1900.


County Total: 51,118


County Total: 52,188


County Total: 52,498


County Total: 53,750


County Total: 58,142


County Total: 70,059


County Total: 99,029


County Total: 138,951


County Total: 190,345


County Total: 245,845


County Total: 277,359


1940 Census

The original 1940 Census reports show the population of the town of Atkinson as 343. Tables in the 1950 and 1960 reports indicate that Atkinson’s 1940 population was 434, however. As 434 adds correctly to the county total and 343 does not, 434 appears to be correct, and the occurrence of 343 in the 1940 reports seems to have been a typo.

1960 Census

The Census Bureau made a number of revisions to 1960 census totals subsequent to their initial release. When it did so, however, it appears to have updated municipal totals only, not overall county totals or state totals, even though in most cases changing municipal totals should have caused county and state totals to change. The 1960 total for Rockingham County was originally reported as 99,029; for the city of Portsmouth, 25,833; and for the town of Newington, 2,499. The totals for Portsmouth and Newington were later revised to those shown in the list above (26,900 and 1,045). This should have caused the county total to change as well (to 98,642), but subsequent census publications have continued to list the county total as it was originally reported (99,029). As a result, in the list above, the municipal totals for 1960 do not add to the county total. The 1960 state total for New Hampshire that appears in various Census materials (606,921) likewise reflects the original 1960 total for Rockingham County and does not take into account the revisions made to the population of Portsmouth and Newington.

See also

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