
Walfrid, or Galfrido della Gherardesca, is an eighth-century saint from Pisa. Though he had six children with his long-time wife, Thesia, he and Thesia chose to enter the religious life. He was one of the founders of the Abbey of Palazzuolo on Monte Verde; his wife and one of his daughters took the veil in a convent built nearby. His favorite son, Gimfrid, caused Walfrid a great deal of trouble when he ran away from the monastery. Caught and permanently injured in his right hand, a penitent Gimfrid was brought back to the monastery, which he proceeded over after Walfrid's death.

Walfrid died in 765 AD, and was sainted in 1861. His feast day is February 15.[1]


  1. "St. Walfrid - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online". Catholic.org. Retrieved 2012-02-15.
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