Uido Truija
Uido Truija (born in 1944) is an Estonian lawyer and writer.
He was born in Vastseliina, Võrumaa, and graduated from Tallinn Maritime School as a shipmaster.
Uido Truija acquired his academic education in Moscow Juridical Distance Learning Institute in the faculty of law.
He has sailed seas from Arctic to Antarctic, worked as a prosecutor, economic lawyer and advocate.
Works by Uido Truija
- Eesti aastal 2044 (Estonia in the year 2044, 1994)
- Elu planeedil Maa (Life on Planet Earth, 2001)
- Vanad roomlased Tallinnas (Old Romans in Tallinn, 2002)
- Liivimaa neitsi (Maiden of Livonia, 2004)
- Popullo (2005)
- Kurzeme printsess (Princess of Kurzeme, 2006)
- Idataevasse kerkib Veevalaja (Aquarius Rises to the Eastern Sky, 2008)
- Meresoolased huuled' (Sea Salty Lips, 2008)
- Meresoolased huuled. Teine raamat (Sea Salty Lips. Second book, 2009)
- Meresoolased huuled. Kolmas raamat (Sea Salty Lips. Third book, 2010)
- Pisaraterajal huika mind videvikusorrina, mu arm (On a Trail of Tears Hoot Me as a Night Hawk, My Love, 2010)
- Kui võim läheb hulluks (When Power Goes Mad, 2012)
- Оплеуха человечеству (Slap in the Face of Mankind, 1999)
- Geopoliitiline katastroof (Geopolitical Catastrophe, 2014)
- Emotsioonide vang (Imprisoned by Emotions, 1999)
- Mul suri koer ära (My Dog is Dead, 2014)
- Lubadus (Promise. A Short Story à la Chekhov, 2014)
- Sotsialistlik seaduslikkus ja armastus (The Socialist Legality and Love. A short story, 2014)
- Punane terror valgub üle riigipiiri (Red Terror Spills Across the State Border, 2015)
- Luulehelbed. Luuletused Uido Truija teostest 2005 - 2015. ("Flakes of Poetry". Poems from the works of Uido Truija 2005 - 2015)
- Hagiavaldus kohtusse: käsiraamat (Statement of Claim to the Court, 1999)
- Kaebus halduskohtusse (Appeal to an Administrative Court, 2000)
- Võlaõigus ettevõtluses (Law of Obligations in Business Activity, 2001)
- Võlaõigusseadus ja selle rakendamine: käsiraamat (Law of Obligations Act and Its Application: Handbook, 2002)
- Lepingute kogumik: praktiline käsiraamat (Collection of Contracts: Practical Handbook, 2002)
- Hagide ja kaebuste esitamine kohtusse (Filing an Action to Court, 2003)
- Hagimenetlus tsiviilasjas (Action of Proceeding Concerning a Civil Matter, 2006)
- Jan Kaus. Lennata või roomata? Teadvuses või reaalsuses? (To Fly or to Crawl? In Consciousness or in Reality?) – Looming nr. 3 (2003), p 399–425. (Overview of Estonian prose in 2002)
- Jüri Kallas. Täitsa tavaline ulmeaasta (Completely Ordinary Year of Science Fiction) – Looming nr. 3 (2003), p 426–431. (Overview of Estonian science fiction in 2002)
- Mihkel Mutt. Eesti kirjandus kui pretensioon.vandenõu.com (Estonian Literature as pretension.conspiracy.com) – Looming nr 3 (2007), p 431-454. (Overview of Estonian prose in 2006)
External links
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