UMAP Credit Transfer Scheme

University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP) has developed a pilot UMAP Credit Transfer Scheme (UCTS) to facilitate greater student mobility in the region by providing a framework for establishing credit transfer arrangements.[1] UCTS model adopted the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) in order to assist and facilitate the student mobility and create a flexible mean of transferring grades between participating universities, countries/territories and governments.[2]


The UCTS objective is to ensure effective credit transfer for students undertaking exchange program in universities from UMAP countries/territories and other regions.[3]

UCTS Components

Some of the major components of the UCTS scheme are:

Home University Responsibilities

Host University Responsibilities

UCTS Credit Points

UCTS credit points are numerical values (1 to 60) and it is allocated to course units to measure student workload required to finish the course. 60 credit points represent full-time student workload for a full academic year. For one semester exchange student, the credit points would be represented with 30 credit points.

Example: One Semester Study Program in Host University (Host University = 16 Credit point per semester; Home University = 6 credit points per term)

Course Unit Host University UCTS Home University
A 47.5 2.25
B 47.5 2.25
C 47.5 2.25
D 47.5 2.25
Total 1630.0 9.0


Conversion from Host University Credit Points to UCTS: 4*30/16[5]

Conversion from UCTS to Home University Credit Points: 7.5*9/30[5]

Converting Credit Points

UCTS Grading Scale

The UCTS credit points scale and grading scale are not intended to replace host and home universities scales. It is used solely for the purpose of assisting the conversion.[1]

UCTS Grade Successful Students normally achieving grade (%) Definition
A10 % EXCELLENT: Outstanding with only minor errors
B25 % VERY GOOD: Above average standard but with some errors
C30 % GOOD: Generally sound work with a number of notable errors
D25 % SATISFACTORY: Fair but with significant shortcomings
E10 % SUFFICIENT: Performance meets the minimum criteria
FX- FAIL: Some more work required before the credit can be awarded
F- FAIL: Considerable further work is required


The grading scale of universities will vary between countries/territories within UMAP. As in European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), it is necessary to have a common scale for conversion purposes.[6]

See also


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