
Subunit of the structure of proustite, a sulfosalt mineral. This picture shows the connectivity of the thioarsenite trianion to Ag+ (arsenic is colored violet).

Thioarsenite is the trianion AsS33-. It is a pyramidal anion, as it typical for other As(III)X3 compounds. It is also called sulfarsenite. It is generated by treatment of As2S3 with sulfide:

As2S3 + 3 S2- → 2 AsS33-

Thioarsenites are components of many sulfosalt minerals. An example is relatively common mineral proustite, Ag3AsS3.[1][2][3]


  1. Mindat
  2. Webmineral
  3. Trevelyan B. 1969: The electro-optic effect in proustite. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 1(1), pp. 1969;

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