The Twelve Days of Dash & Lily

The Twelve Days of Dash & Lily
Author Rachel Cohn David Levithan
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Genre Children
Publisher Egmont Publishing
Publication date
October 06, 2016
Pages 240
ISBN 9781405284004

The Twelve Days of Dash & Lily is a romantic young adult novel. It is a collaboration by authors David Levithan and Rachel Cohn and the sequel to their earlier book, Dash & Lily's Book of Dares. It was announced that this would be the first of two new collaborations.[1]


Set in Manhattan in the twelve days preceding Christmas, Lily has been left devastated by her grandfather's heart attack. His declining health has caused her to fall out of love with life. Dash, along with Lily's brother Langston is determined to bring her out of her depression in time for Christmas, a time of year that she traditionally loves.


Lily - has been in a romantic relationship with Dash for almost a year. A traditionally optimistic person, her grandfather's condition has taken its toll on her high spirits.

Dash - Lily's boyfriend. They met after Dash responded to Lily's Book of Dares that she deposited on a bookshelf. Dash loves Lily but is deeply concerned by the change in her. He is determined to help her fall back in love with life.

Zoella's Book Club

The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily was one of the titles picked for Zoella's book club. Zoella announced its inclusion on her vlog.[2]


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