The Horror Book

The Horror Book

The Horror Book
(June 2008)
Publication information
Publisher Image Comics
Format One Shot
Publication date June, 18 2008
Creative team
Writer(s) Mark Kidwell
Jeff Zornow
R.D. Hall
Artist(s) Nat Jones
Jerry Beck
Jay Fotos

The Horror Book is a 2008 comic book anthology collecting four previously released titles into a trade paperback. Included titles are '68, Creature from the Depths, Frankenstein and Full Moon.


The Horror Book was released by Image Comics on June 18, 2008.


From the steaming, zombie-infested jungles of Vietnam to a shadow haunted castle in the mountains of Vienna, where Dr. Frankenstein's monster collects an army of the dead, Image Comics invites you into a monster-infested world of horror.

External links

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