Mancipium Mariae

Portrait of Kasper Drużbicki in Poznań old parish church with Latin motto: I love Jesus with the love of Mary; I love Mary with the love of Jesus

Mancipium Mariae (Latin the slavery/a slave of Mary) a Christian devotion.

Its rules, referring to older traditions, were formulated from the inspiration of Jesuit Kasper Drużbicki in following works:

In ancient Rome mancipium meant the relation of subjection of one person to another, existing because of mancipatio (the reverse process is the emancipation), as well as a person subjected thus.

The devotion consisted on the act of yielding oneself prisoner to the Mother of God of subjection to her will. Each slave of Mary had also the duty of praying a litany in the morning and evening and an office on Saturday. The sign of the slavery was a fetters-shaped chainlet with the inscription ego mancipium Mariae.

This sort of piety gained a great popularity in the age of Baroque (perhaps, among others, Wespazjan Kochowski used to practise it) and had a significant impact on the development of Marian worship in the Church.

See also


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