Simunion Multirotor

Simunion Multirotor
Role MAV
National origin China
Manufacturer Simunion Simulation Technology Co., Ltd.
Status In service
Primary user China

Simunion Multirotor (Du-Xuan-Yi Fei-Xing-Qi, 多旋翼飞行器) is a Chinese micro air vehicle (MAV) develoed by Xi'an Simunion Simulation Technology Co., Ltd. (Simunion, 西安希盟信仿真科技有限公司). Simunion multirotor can be easily folded and expanded for rapid deployment. Simunion has been a major provider of subsystems deployed on UAVs, and software of subsystems of UAVs. Recently, Simunion has expanded its business into UAV arena by developing UAV of its own and a multirotor UAV is the product it has fielded, which has been accepted into service by local Chinese law enforcement. Specification:[1]

See also


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