Sengeki Striker

Sengeki Striker
Developer(s) Warashi
Publisher(s) Kaneko
Platform(s) Arcade
Release date(s) 1997
Genre(s) Shoot 'em up
Mode(s) Up to 2 players simultaneously
Cabinet Upright
CPU SH-2 @ 28.638MHz
Display Raster; Resolution 240 x 320 (Vertical); Palette size-32,768; Refresh rate-60Hz

Sengeki Striker (閃激ストライカー) is a vertically scrolling shooter created by Warashi and Kaneko for the arcade and released in 1997.


The player's firepower consists of a main shot, up to 4 Options called Gambits, and a number of bombs. Power-ups are available for the main shot, as well as extra Gambits and bombs, can be found throughout the game. There are 2 types of Gambits: a forward-firing laser type, and a rapid-firing vulcan type which moves and aims at enemies when firing. The player begins with 3 bombs, which can deploy near-instantly, negate most enemy fire, and do moderate damage in a large radius around the player's ship.


The scoring system of Sengeki Striker is not well-understood. It is known that destroying enemy ships so that the explosion takes out other enemies, and using the Gambits to destroy targets, are worth points.

Sengeki Striker bears some visual resemblance to Shienryu, a previous game by Warashi.

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