Seaborn Networks

Seaborn Networks is a developer and operator of submarine communications cables. Seaborn is the developer of the Seabras-1 “submarine communications cable” between Brazil and the United States. Seabras-1 will provide the first direct route between Sao Paulo, Brazil and the United States.[1][2][3] The system will also have branching units installed on certain of its fiber pairs that point towards Halifax (Canada), Ashburn (US), Miami (US), St. Croix (US), Fortaleza (Brazil), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and Las Toninas (Argentina).[4][5] Partners Group (symbol: PGHN) is providing full project equity capital for Seabras-1 and development capital was provided by Seaborn. Seabras-1 is owned jointly by Seaborn Networks and Partners Group.[6][7]The US$500 million project funding for Seabras-1 has been completed.[8] The project funding also includes a total project debt commitment of up to US$267 million provided by Natixis, Banco Santander, Commerzbank and Intesa Sanpaolo, which debt is backed by COFACE, the French Export Credit Agency.[9] This Sao Paulo to New York direct route will provide lower “latency” as compared to existing “submarine cable systems” on the route. The initial maximum capacity of the cable will be 72 Tbit/s. The system will also be the world’s longest system built to date using 100 Gbit/s coherent technology.[10][11]


Seaborn Network World Map

New York City <=> Sao Paulo


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 11/24/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.