Progressive Democratic Students' Federation

    Progressive Democratic Students' Federation

    Banners of the Progressive Democratic Students' Federation
    Abbreviation PDSF
    Motto To take necessary action for establishing an united revolutionary student organization in order to establish a scientific, democratic, socially relevant education system. At the same time, take steps to unify student movements.
    Formation 1988
    Type Student Organization
    Headquarters Jadavpur, Kolkata
    Dr. Mrinmoy Sarkar
    Priyasmita Dasgupta

    The Progressive Democratic students' Federation is an independent student organization founded in 1988. This organization operates various revolutionary activities mainly in West Bengal.


    Progressive Democratic Students’ Federation was founded at the time when the students of West Bengal as well as the entire country were witnessing an immense crisis in the most crucial phase of their lives. The imperialist forces of all colors, the landlords, and the Indian National Congress (Indira) government at the centre which eagerly looks after the interest of the large capitalists have been bringing about attacks after attacks on the student community in every sphere, be it economic, cultural or educational. Through the introduced ‘National Policy on Education’, the Rajeev Gandhi Government was conspiring to provide all benefits of education to a handful of students on one hand and push the majority towards a bleak future on the other. As a result, the resentment amongst the students was growing fast and to counter that resentment, the government is enacting various undemocratic bills, unleashing police and other forms of state repression. At the same time, student organs like ‘Chhatra Parishat’ (known as NSUI in other parts of India) were facilitating these anti-student measures and were claiming to be the protector of student interest. Organizations like ‘Vidyarthi Parishat’ (ABVP), ‘Chhatra Janata’ and other such representatives of reactionary politics were merely birds of the same feather. In such a state of affairs, organizations like SFI-AISF-PSU-SB which bluntly aid the government or reformist forces like DSO could hardly make the students dream a brighter future. There was an increasing feeling of helplessness and pessimism amongst the students. The career-centric attitude of me-myself was killing the spirit and fire of youth. The diverse demands of various regional, social and ethnic groups and their struggles were opening up lots of questions for the student community. Even in this critical juncture, there were forces which strive to organize the students against reactionary politics on one hand and state-dependent politics on the other, and inspire them to take up the cause of revolutionary politics. PDSF identifies itself with these forces.


    Flag of PDSF

    Rectangular in shape, red in colour, with P.D.S.F written vertically along the right hand edge. The length, breadth ration will be 3:2.

    Structure of the Organisation

    State Conference

    State Committee

    District Committee / District Team Area / Institutional Unit/Team/Committee

    Dr. Mrinmoy Sarkar, president of PDSF


    Activists during a rally


    Posters of PDSF at College St.


    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 12/5/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.