List of Presidents of the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland

This is a list of Presidents of the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland. It includes all presiding judges of the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland since 1848.

Until the Swiss Constitution of 1874, members of the Federal Assembly (Council of States, National Council) could be judges and many of the Presidents of the Federal Supreme Court were also members of the Federal Assembly.

Johann Konrad Kern was the first President of the Federal Supreme Court (1848)
Casimir Pfyffer was five time president
Victor Ruffy was the first native French speaker (1867)
Name Canton From To
Johann Konrad Kern Thurgau 1848 1850
Casimir Pfyffer Lucerne 1851 1851
Johann Konrad Kern Thurgau 1852 1852
Casimir Pfyffer Lucerne 1853 1853
Johann Jakob Rüttimann Zurich 1854 1854
Johann Jakob Trog Solothurn 1854 1854
Eduard Blösch Berne 1855 1855
Casimir Pfyffer Lucerne 1856 1856
Jakob Dubs Zurich 1857 1857
Johann Jakob Blumer Glarus 1858 1858
Casimir Pfyffer Lucerne 1859 1859
Gottlieb Jäger St. Gallen 1860 1860
Casimir Pfyffer Lucerne 1861 1861
Arnold Otto Aepli St. Gallen 1862 1862
Eduard Blösch Berne 1863 1863
Josef Wilhelm Viktor Vigier Solothurn 1864 1864
Nicolaus Hermann Obwalden 1865 1865
Eduard Häberlin Thurgau 1866 1866
Victor Ruffy Vaud 1867 1867
Johann Jakob Blumer Glarus 1868 1868
Edouard Carlin Jura 1869 1869
Jost Weber Lucerne 1870 1870
Johann Jakob Blumer Glarus 1871 1871
Eugène Borel Neuchâtel 1872 1872
Josef Wilhelm Viktor Vigier Solothurn 1873 1873
Johann Jakob Blumer Glarus 1874 1874
Jules Roguin Vaud 1876 1876
Josef Karl Pankraz Morel St. Gallen 1879 1880
Johann Conrad Weber Aargau 1881 1882
Jules Roguin Vaud 1883 1884
Gaudenzio Olgiati Grisons 1885 1886
Alois Kopp Lucerne 1887 1888
Heinrich Stamm Schaffhausen 1889 1890
Josef Bläsi Solothurn 1891 1892
Heinrich Hafner Zurich 1893 1894
Johann Broye Fribourg 1895 1896
Charles-Henri Soldan Vaud 1897 1898
Emil Rott Berne 1899 1900
Johannes Winkler Lucerne 1901 1902
Jakob Huldreich Bachmann Thurgau 1903 1904
Agostino Soldati Ticino 1904 1904
Frédéric Auguste Monnier Neuchâtel 1905 1906
Carl Jäger St. Gallen 1907 1908
Emile Perrier Fribourg 1909 1910
Viktor Merz Berne 1911 1912
Heinrich Honegger Zurich 1915 1916
Albert Ursprung Aargau 1918 1919
Ernest Picot Geneva 1919 1920
Fritz Ostertag Basel-City 1921 1922
Franz Schmid Uri 1923 1923
Albert Affolter Solothurn 1924 1924
Alfred Stooss Berne 1925 1925
Emil Kirchhofer Schaffhausen 1927 1928
Virgile Rossel Berne 1929 1930
Hans Müri Aargau 1931 1932
Henri Thelin Vaud 1933 1934
Arthur Couchepin Valais 1935 1936
Josef Jakob Strebel Aargau 1937 1938
Robert Fazy Geneva 1939 1940
Léon Robert Neuchâtel 1941 1942
Hans Steiner Schwyz 1943 1944
Plinio Bolla Ticino 1945 1946
Georg Leuch Berne 1947 1948
Eugen Blocher Basel-City 1949 1950
Walter Nägeli Zurich 1951 1952
Louis Python Fribourg 1953 1954
Robert Petitmermet Vaud 1955 1956
Wilhelm Stauffer Berne 1957 1958
Carlo Pometta Ticino 1959 1960
Wilhelm Schönenberger St. Gallen 1961 1962
Franz Fässler Appenzell Innerrhoden 1963 1964
Fritz Häberlin Thurgau 1965 1966
André Panchaud Vaud 1967 1968
Silvio Giovanoli Grisons 1969 1970
Paul Schwartz Basel-City 1971 1972
Hans Tschopp Zurich 1973 1974
Pierre Cavin Vaud 1975 1976
André Grisel Neuchâtel 1977 1978
Harald Huber St. Gallen 1979 1980
Rolando Forni Ticino 1981 1982
Otto Konstantin Kaufmann St. Gallen 1983 1984
Arthur Haefliger Solothurn 1985 1986
Erhard Schweri Zurich 1987 1988
Rolf Raschein Grisons 1989 1990
Robert Patry Geneva 1991 1992
Jean-François Egli Neuchâtel 1993 1994
Claude Rouiller Valais 1995 1996
Peter Alexander Müller Valais 1997 1998
Martin Schubarth Basel-City 1999 2000
Hans Peter Walter Berne 2001 2002
Heinz Aemisegger Schaffhausen 2003 2004
Giusep Nay Grisons 2005 2006
Arthur Aeschlimann Berne 2007 2008
Lorenz Meyer Berne 2009 2012
Gilbert Kolly Fribourg 2013

External links

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