Picking sequence

A picking sequence is a protocol for fair item assignment. Suppose m items have to be divided among n agents. One way to allocate the items is to let one agent select a single item, then let another agent select a single item, and so on. A picking-sequence is a sequence of m numbers between 1 and n, where each number determines what agent is the next to pick an item.

As an example, suppose 4 items have to be divided between 2 agents. Some possible picking sequences are:


A picking-sequence has several merits as a fair division protocol:[2]:307


How should the picking sequence be selected? Bouveret and Lang[3] study this question under the following assumptions:

They show picking-sequences that maximize the expected utilitarian welfare (sum of utilities) or the expected egalitarian welfare (minimum utility) in various settings.

Kalinowski et al[4] show that, when there are two agents with a Borda scoring function, and each ranking is equally probable, then the "round robin" sequence (121212...) attains the maximal expected sum-of-utilities.[2]:308


  1. Steven Brams and Alan D. Taylor (1999–2000). 'The Win-Win Solution: Guaranteeing Fair Shares to Everybody. New York: W. W. Norton.
  2. 1 2 Sylvain Bouveret and Yann Chevaleyre and Nicolas Maudet, "Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods". Chapter 12 in: Brandt, Felix; Conitzer, Vincent; Endriss, Ulle; Lang, Jérôme; Procaccia, Ariel D. (2016). Handbook of Computational Social Choice. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107060432. (free online version)
  3. A general elicitation-free protocol for allocating indivisible goods. doi:10.5591/978-1-57735-516-8/ijcai11-024.
  4. A social welfare optimal sequential allocation procedure. AAAI-13. 2013.
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