Nahum Nardi

Nahum Nardi (1901, Kiev – 1977) was an Israeli composer.[1] Nardi won a scholarship to study at the Kiev Conservatory and graduated from there with honors in 1915. Researcher of Hebrew song Eliyahu Hacohen records that Nardi came first in the musical contest at the end of his studies, second place going to Vladimir Horowitz. Due to the Petliura riots in 1919 left for Warsaw, where he lived for two years, and then moved to Vienna, where he graduated from the Vienna Academy of Music in 1922. In 1923 Nardi immigrated to Israel.


  1. Don Michael Randel The Harvard Dictionary of Music 0674011635 2003 Page 425 "As the Zionist presence in Palestine grew, new, self-consciously Israeli songs were created by composers like Joel Engel (1868- 1927). Nahum Nardi (1901-77). and Mordechai Zeira (1905-68).

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