NIC Argentina

The Network Information Center Argentina, or NIC Argentina, is an office of the Legal and Technical Secretary of the Presidency of Argentina[1] responsible for operating the .ar country code top-level domain (ccTLD).

Delegation for the .ar ccTLD, was requested on August 20, 1987, as part of the transition to the Internet Domain Name System. The delegation was approved and became effective on September 13, 1987. Since then, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina has been the sole sponsor and entity responsible for the management of Internet Domain Names for the .AR ccTLD, this role was reaffirmed by Executive Decree 267/2005 on April 4, 2005.

Until Argentina was able to establish its first permanent connection to the global Internet, name services were provided by UUNET.

The NIC-DDN WHOIS entry for AR-DOM in 1991 showed:

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto (AR-DOM)
   Departamento de Informatica
   Recoquista 1088
   Buenos Aires - 1003

   Domain Name: AR

   Administrative Contact:
      Porter, Sergio  (SP48)  SERGIOP@ATINA.AR
      +54 1-311-0071
   Technical Contact:
      Amodio, Jorge Marcelo  (JMA49)  PETE@ATINA.AR
      +54 1313 8082
   Zone Contact:
      Chapman, Malcom  (MC328)
      +54 1-313-8082

   Record last updated on 24-Mar-91.

   Domain servers in listed order:


   Top Level domain for Argentine Republic

   For information concerning this domain, please consult
   the Administrative Contact listed above.

Current contact information for the .AR ccTLD can be obtained from the IANA Root Zone Database.


External links

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