Mup music publication program
Mup is a music publication program created for handling almost any kind of music, producing professional-looking results, yet be quick and easy to use. In 1995 the authors, 2 musicians and computer programmers, set up a website to make Mup available as shareware. In 2012, after 17 years of adding features, they decided to make it open-source software that is available for free to everyone.
The notation is done via text input, which Mup interprets and processes to PostScript output.
Example of Mup input file
//!Mup-Arkkra define PR 1 @ define PL 2 @ define PNODYN(POS,DN) boldital(16) dyn between PR & PL align 0: POS DN; @ define PNODYNMARK(M) M between PR & PL align 0: @ header title(30) "Excerpt from Walzer für Fortepiano" title(5) " " title(26) "G.131" score warn = n pad = .5 time = 3/4 key = 2# pagesize = a4 staffs = 2 scale = 0.65 beamstyle = 2. vscheme = 3f measnum = y label = "" barstyle = PR-PL brace = PR-PL scoresep = 20,24 packfact = 1 staff PR clef = treble defoct=4 staff PL clef = bass defoct=3 music //# 0 PR: 4.s;8a=_comp ph;g#;a; PL: 4.s;8r;4r; PNODYN(2.5[-0],"p") right(_win.e,_comp.y+18) "\s(16)Georg Gerson (1790-1825)"; bar mnum=1 //# 1 staff PR defoct=5 music PR: 8f;c;e;d;a-;a#- eph; PL 1: 4r;af;af; PL 2: 2.d; bar //# 2 staff PR beamstyle=4.,4. music PR: 4c<>;8b-;ph;a#-;b-; PL 1: 4r;bg;bg; PL 2: 2.d; bar //# 3 staff PR beamstyle=2. music PR: 8g;d#;f;e;b-;e eph; PL 1: 4r;bg;bg; PL 2: 2.d; bar //# 4 staff PR beamstyle=4.,4. music PR: 4dn<>;8c;ph;b#-;c eph; PL 1: 4r;age;age; PL 2: 2.d; PNODYNMARK(<) 2 til 1m+2[-2]; bar //# 5 staff PR beamstyle=2. music PR 1: 4b ph;b&;a eph; PR 2: 8b;c;b&;c;a;c; PL 1: 4r;age;age; PL 2: 2.d; PNODYNMARK(>) 2[+2] til 1m+0[-2]; bar //# 6 PR: 8a<>;f;[with.]d;[]a-;f-<>;d-; PL 1: 4r;af;af; PL 2: 2.d; PNODYNMARK(<) 2 til 1m+2[-2]; bar //# 7 staff PR defoct=4 beamstyle=2,4 music PR: 8f+<>;d+;[with.]b;[]f;8.d<>;16e; PL 1: [dist5]4r;f;g#; PL 2: 4s;[up;ho3]2d; PL 3: [down;ho0]2.b-; PNODYNMARK(>) 2[+2] til 1m+0[-2]; bar //# 8a PR: 4d<>;8c;8s;4s; PL 1: 4a~e~;8ae;8s;4s; PL 2: 4a-~;8a-;8s;4s; repeatboth mnum=8 //# 8b staff PR beamstyle=2. music PR: 4.s;[with.]...8aec;;; PL: 4.s;[with.]...8aa-;;; PNODYN(2.5[-0],"f") bar //# 9 staff PL beamstyle=4.,4. music PR 1: 4g#<a>e~d<c>;8aec;r; 4e++; PR 2: 2s;4c++ a+; PL: 4b&<a>b&-<a->;8aa-;<<staff clef=treble>>8eca-;;; PNODYN(2.5[-0],"p") bar //# 10 staff PR beamstyle=4,8,4. music PR 1: 8.f++ ph below;32gn++;a++ eph;8e++;aec;;; PR 2: 4d++ a+;8c++ a+;4.s; PL: 4f<e>d<c>a-~;8eca-;<<staff clef=bass>>aa-;;; PNODYN(2.5[-0],"f") bar //# 11 staff PL beamstyle=4.,4. music PR 1: 4g#<a>e~d<c>;8aec;r;4e+; PR 2: 2s;4c+a; PL: 4b&<a>b&-<a->;8aa-;<<staff clef=treble>>8eca-;;; PNODYN(2.5[-0],"p") bar //# 12 staff PR beamstyle=4,8,8,4 music PR 1: 8.f+ ph below;32gn+;a+ eph;8e+;[down]16a ph;b;c+;d+;e+;e#+; PR 2: 4d+a;8c+a;4.s; PL: 4f<e>d<c>a-~;8eca-;r;4; PNODYNMARK(<) 2.5[-2] til 1m+0[-2]; bar //# 13 staff PR beamstyle=4.,4. defoct=5 staff PL beamstyle=2. music PR: 4.f eph;[grace]16g;8f;[grace]16g;8f;[grace]16g;8f; PL: 8feca#-;;;;;; PNODYN(1[-0],"f") bar //# 14 staff PR beamstyle=4,4,4 music PR: 8f<>;4d+;16c+ ph;b; a;g;f;e eph; PL: 8fdb-;r;2eb-g-; PNODYN(1.5[-1],"rf") PNODYN(2[-0],"p") bar //# 15 PR: 8.f<>;16d;[grace];8.b<>;16a;8.a-<>;16c; PL: 4fdan-;;gea-; bar //# 16a PR: 4d;8r;s;4; PL: 4fd;8r;s;4; repeatboth mnum=16
Corresponding output
See also
External links
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