List of near threatened insects

195 critically endangered insect species (3.3%) 343 endangered insect species (5.7%) 608 vulnerable insect species (10%) 301 near threatened insect species (5.0%) 2843 least concern insect species (47%) 1702 data deficient insect species (28%)Circle frame.svg
  •   Extinct in the wild (EW): 1 species
  •   Critically endangered (CR): 195 species
  •   Endangered (EN): 343 species
  •   Vulnerable (VU): 608 species
  •   Near threatened (NT, LR/cd): 301 species
  •   Least concern (LC): 2,843 species
  •   Data deficient (DD): 1,702 species
Insect species (IUCN, 2016.1)
  • 5993 extant species have been evaluated
  • 4291 of those are fully assessed[lower-alpha 1]
  • 3144 are not threatened at present[lower-alpha 2]
  • 1146 to 2848 are threatened[lower-alpha 3]
  • 59 to 105 are extinct or extinct in the wild:
    • 58 extinct (EX) species[lower-alpha 4]
    • 1 extinct in the wild (EW)
    • 46 possibly extinct [CR(PE)]
    • 0 possibly extinct in the wild [CR(PEW)]

  1. excludes data deficient evaluations.
  2. NT, LR/cd, LC.
  3. Threatened comprises CR, EN and VU. Upper estimate additionally includes DD.
  4. Chart omits extinct (EX) species
Near Threatened (NT) species do not currently qualify for Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN) or Vulnerable (VU), but are likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future, or are already close to qualifying.

As of July 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 301 near threatened insect species.[1] 5.0% of all evaluated insect species are listed as near threatened. No subpopulations of insects have been evaluated by the IUCN.

This is a complete list of near threatened insect species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN.



  • Southern Sardinian cricket (Acroneuroptila puddui)
  • Northern Sardinian cricket (Acroneuroptila sardoa)
  • Gomera stick grasshopper (Acrostira bellamyi)
  • Gran Canaria stick grasshopper (Acrostira tamarani)
  • Tenerife short-winged bush-cricket (Ariagona margaritae)
  • Splendid rock grasshopper (Arminda canariensis)
  • Tenerife laurel bush-cricket (Canariola willemsei)
  • Plump-headed grasshopper (Chorthippus crassiceps)
  • Parnon grasshopper (Chorthippus parnon)
  • Nymph-like grasshopper (Chorthippus pulloides)
  • Giglio cave cricket (Dolichopoda aegilion)
  • Larissa cave-cricket (Dolichopoda annae)
  • Koutouki cave-cricket (Dolichopoda insignis)
  • Kiriaki cave-cricket (Dolichopoda kiriakii)
  • Cretan cave-cricket (Dolichopoda paraskevi)
  • Corfu cave-cricket (Dolichopoda steriotisi)
  • Ionian marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera cephalonica)
  • Uvarov's marbled bush-cricket (Eupholidoptera uvarovi)
  • Cyprian tonged bush-cricket (Exodrymadusa inornata)
  • Heldreich's stone grasshopper (Glyphotmethis heldreichi)
  • Canarian crevice-cricket (Gryllomorpha canariensis)
  • White-horned Italian grasshopper (Italohippus albicornis)
  • Calabrian speckled bush-cricket (Leptophyes calabra)
  • Greek speckled bush-cricket (Leptophyes lisae)
  • California ground cricket (Neonemobius eurynotus)
  • Parnassos glandular cricket (Ovaliptila krueperi)
  • Sporades glandular cricket (Ovaliptila wettsteini)
  • Jablanica bright bush-cricket (Poecilimon jablanicensis)
  • Andros bright bush-cricket (Poecilimon klausgerhardi)
  • Maquis bush-cricket (Rhacocleis silvestrii)
  • Werner's bush-cricket (Rhacocleis werneri)
  • Spanistic desert grasshopper (Spaniacris deserticola)
  • Black-headed Jerusalem cricket (Stenopelmatus nigrocapitatus)
  • Zoia's cave-cricket (Troglophilus zoiai)
  • Aegean desert grasshopper (Xerohippus solerii)



Lepidoptera comprises moths and butterflies. There are 62 species in the order Lepidoptera assessed as near threatened.

Swallowtail butterflies



Other Lepidoptera species


There are 56 beetle species assessed as near threatened.


  • Ceratophyus hoffmannseggi
  • Lethrus fallax
  • Thorectes albarracinus
  • Thorectes lusitanicus
  • Thorectes marginatus

Click beetles

  • Cardinal click beetle (Ampedus cardinalis)
  • Ampedus carinthiacus
  • Ampedus coenobita
  • Ampedus corsicus
  • Brachygonus meraculus
  • Crepidophorus mutilatus
  • Reitterelater bouyoni


  • Alocoderus carinifrons
  • Ammoecius lusitanicus
  • Anomius crovettii
  • Anomius peyerimhoffi
  • Anonychonitis freyi
  • Ateuchetus cicatricosus
  • Cryptocanthon foveatus
  • Cryptocanthon genieri
  • Euorodalus boiteli
  • Genieridium medinae
  • Gymnopleurus sturmi
  • Gyronotus dispar
  • Gyronotus mulanjensis
  • Heptaulacus brancoi
  • Holocephalus sculptus
  • Macroderes endroedyi
  • Macroderes undulatus
  • Mimonthophagus limbibasis
  • Ontherus grandis
  • Ontherus irinus
  • Onthophagus merdarius
  • Oxysternon pteroderum
  • Pedaria cambeforti
  • Phanaeus achilles
  • Scarabaeus bornemizzai
  • Scybalocanthon darlingtoni

Other beetle species

  • Agathidium pulchellum
  • Blabinotus spinicollis
  • Blue ground beetle (Carabus intricatus)
  • Ceruchus chrysomelinus
  • Colophon izardi
  • Cucujus cinnaberinus
  • Daisy-plant fungus weevil (Homoeodera compositarum)
  • Hylis simonae
  • Microrhagus pyrenaeus
  • Osmoderma barnabita
  • Hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita)
  • Pseudotriphyllus suturalis
  • Purpuricenus nicocles
  • Ropalopus insubricus
  • Stephanopachys brunneus
  • Trichius orientalis
  • Xyletinus tremulicola
  • Xylophilus testaceus


Odonata includes dragonflies and damselflies. There are 119 species in the order Odonata assessed as near threatened.


  • Chlorocypha bamptoni
  • Angola jewel (Chlorocypha crocea)
  • Indocypha vittata
  • Libellago stictica
  • Tanganyika jewel (Platycypha pinheyi)
  • Rhinocypha xanthe
  • Yellow-sided jewel (Stenocypha jacksoni)
  • Bow-faced jewel (Stenocypha molindica)


  • Allocnemis abbotti
  • Katanga yellowwing (Allocnemis mitwabae)
  • Elattoneura atkinsoni
  • Idiocnemis adelbertensis
  • Melanoneura bilineata
  • Gambia riverjack (Mesocnemis dupuyi)
  • Nososticta irene
  • Phylloneura westermanni
  • Platycnemis agrioides
  • Risiocnemis serrata





  • Atrocalopteryx atrocyana
  • Calopteryx coomani
  • Sapho infumosa
  • Vestalis anacolosa
  • Vestalis luctuosa



  • Allopetalia reticulosa
  • Swamp emperor (Anax bangweuluensis)
  • Terrestrial evening darner (Antipodophlebia asthenes)
  • Green-striped darner (Dromaeschna forcipata)
  • Oligoaeschna platyura
  • Oligoaeschna poeciloptera
  • Planaeschna intersedens


Other Odonata species

See also


  1. "IUCN Red List version 2016.1". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 4 July 2016.
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