List of former Masonic buildings

List of former Masonic buildings identifies notable buildings outside the United States that have been associated with various Masonic bodies, but have been either re-purposed for non-Masonic use or no longer exist. (For those in the United States, see: List of former Masonic buildings in the United States).

Many of these buildings were constructed to be (at least in part) meeting halls for Masonic lodges, Grand Lodges, or other related organizations. Others were constructed for other purposes, and subsequently purchased by the Masons and converted into meeting halls. All have subsequently been sold, and have been converted to non-Masonic use.

All of the buildings listed here are notable landmarks. Many of the buildings on this list were purpose-built to house Masonic lodge meetings and ritual activities. In other cases, Masonic bodies converted existing landmark buildings to Masonic use.[1] Also included are buildings constructed by the Freemasons as part of their charitable endeavors (such as hospitals and schools). This list is intended to include any building having some form of landmark status such as being listed on a heritage registers.

For a list of notable buildings that are currently used for Masonic purposes, see: List of Masonic buildings and List of Masonic buildings in the United States.




Former Masonic lodge building in Monrovia, 2006

New Zealand


United States


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