List of flora of Arkansas
Geobotanically, Arkansas belongs to the North American Atlantic Region.
This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Rare Species
- Amorpha ouachitensis - Ouachita leadplant
- Amorpha paniculata - Panicled indigobush
- Amsonia hubrichtii - Ouachita blue star
- Astragalus soxmaniorum - Soxmans' milk-vetch
- Calamagrostis porteri ssp. insperata - Ofer hollow reed grass
- Calamovilfa arcuata - A sandgrass
- Carex decomposita - Epiphytic sedge
- Carex latebracteata - Waterfall's sedge
- Carex shinnersii - Shinner's sedge
- Carex timida - A sedge
- Castanea pumila var. ozarkensis - Ozark chinquapin
- Chelone obliqua var. speciosa - Rose turtlehead
- Cyperus grayoides - Umbrella sedge
- Cypripedium kentuckiense - Southern lady's-slipper
- Delphinium newtonianum - Moore's larkspur
- Delphinium treleasei - Trelease's larkspur
- Dodecatheon frenchii - French's shootingstar
- Draba aprica - Open-ground whitlow-grass
- Datura
- Echinacea paradoxa - Bush's yellow coneflower
- Echinacea sanguinea - A coneflower
- Eriocaulon koernickianum - Dwarf pipewort
- Fothergilla major - Witch-alder
- Galium arkansanum - A bedstraw
- Helianthus occidentalis ssp. plantagineus - Shinner's sunflower
- Heuchera villosa var. arkansana - Arkansas alumroot
- Houstonia ouachitana - Ouachita bluet
- Hydrophyllum brownei - Browne's waterleaf
- Leitneria floridana - Corkwood
- Liatris squarrosa var. compacta - A blazing star
- Mespilus canescens - Stern's medlar
- Minuartia godfreyi - Godfrey's sandwort
- Neviusia alabamensis - Alabama snow-wreath
- Oenothera heterophylla ssp. orientalis - An evening primrose
- Oenothera pilosella ssp. sessilis - Prairie evening primrose
- Polymnia cossatotensis - Cossatot leafcup
- Ptilimnium nodosum - Harperella
- Quercus acerifolia - Maple-leaved oak
- Quercus arkansana - Arkansas oak
- Schisandra glabra - Climbing magnolia
- Schoenolirion wrightii - Texas sunnybell
- Scutellaria bushii - Bush's skullcap
- Silene ovata - Ovate-leaf catchfly
- Silene regia - Royal catchfly
- Solidago ouachitensis - Ouachita goldenrod
- Streptanthus maculatus ssp. obtusifolius - A twistflower
- Streptanthus squamiformis - A twistflower
- Thalictrum arkansanum - Arkansas meadow-rue
- Tradescantia longipes - Dwarf spiderwort
- Tradescantia ozarkana - Ozark spiderwort
- Trillium pusillum var. ozarkanum - Ozark least trillium
- Trillium viridescens - Ozark trillium
- Valerianella nuttallii - Nuttall corn-salad
- Valerianella palmeri - Palmer's corn-salad
- Valerianella ozarkana - Ozark corn-salad
- Vernonia lettermannii - Narrowleaf ironweed
Common Trees
- Pinus echinata - Shortleaf Pine
- Other Pinus species also common
- Juglans nigra - Black Walnut
- Carya ovata - Shagbark Hickory
- Other Carya species also common
- Betula nigra - River Birch
- Quercus alba - White Oak
- Other Quercus species also common
- Sassafras albidum - Sassafras
- Liquidambar styraciflua - Sweetgum
- Platanus occidentalis - American Sycamore
- Malus sylvestris - Common Apple (Arkansas State Flower is the Apple Blossom)
- Acer negundo - Box Elder
- Acer species - Maples
- Cornus florida - Flowering Dogwood
- Juniperus virginiana - Eastern Redcedar
- Rhus glabra - Smooth Sumac
- Other Rhus species also common
- Diospyros virginiana - American Persimmon
- Prunus serotina - Black Cherry
- Prunus virginiana - Chokecherry
- Prunus americana - Wild Plum
- Other Prunus species also common
- Ulmus alata - Winged Elm
- Ulmus americana - American Elm
- Other Ulmus species also common
- Salix nigra - Black Willow
Common Shrubs
- Euonymus - Euonymus, Marble Queen
- Rubus species - Brambles, Blackberries, Dewberries
- Rhus species - Sumacs
- Rosa species - Wild roses
- Sambucus species - Elderberries
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