Jan Pietersz Beelthouwer

Jan Pieterszoon Beelthouwer (c.1603—c.1665) was a Dutch Collegiant controversialist of unorthodox beliefs from Enkhuizen. He propagated Socinian views.[1]

From around 1644 he had public debates with Isaac Montalto, Jacob Judah Leon and Menasseh ben Israel, Sephardic Jews of Amsterdam.[2] He was regarded as a heretic in Enkhuizen from 1656. He wrote against the conservative Mennonite apothecary Lambert Bidloo.[3]

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  1. Philip Knijff , Bibliographia Sociniana: a bibliographical reference tool for the study of Dutch Socinianism and Antitrinitarianism (2004), p. 23; Google Books.
  2. Miriam Bodian, Hebrews of the Portuguese nation: conversos and community in early modern Amsterdam (1999), p. 70; Google Books.
  3. GAMEO page
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