Infanterie-Regiment Bremen (1. Hanseatisches) Nr. 75

Member of Infanterie-Regiment Bremen c. 1905 (Ken Scheffler collection)

Infanterie-Regiment Bremen (1. Hanseatisches) Nr. 75 was an active infantry regiment in the Prussian Army (1866–1871) and the German Imperial Army (1871–1918).


Several years after the war, former members of the regiment formed a veterans organization Kameradschaftsbund der Fünfundsiebziger (from 1939 to 1943: Traditionsverband des Ehem. Infant.-Reg. "Bremen" (1. Hans.) Nr. 75) which published a newsletter, Kameradschaftsbund der 75er. There was also a separate officers association.

Following the war, the regiment was perpetuated in the Reichswehr by 1. Kompanie/16. Infanterie-Regiment (6. Division, based in Münster).[1]


End Notes

  1. 6. Division (
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