
HHole for Mannheim (2006-∞) is a permanent multimedia installation in the "Athene-Trakt" of the Kunsthalle Mannheim[1] created by NatHalie Braun Barends.
The Kunsthalle is As of 2015 under reconstruction. Following a court decision of the Landgericht Mannheim, the installation will likely not be rebuilt afterwards [2]
The Landgericht Mannheim decided that the right of the owner of the building (even if against the signed loan contracts) overrides the copyright and the property of the artist, to allow the city to build the new €70 millions museum. It is appreciate the fact that the artist, in order to protect the fundamental right of artist freedom, property right and copyright will go on to the next instance. [3]
HHole for Mannheim (2006-∞) has been conceived as a permanent, conceptual, site specific, developing artwork in progress.[4] It consists of seven Holes which pass through the Athene Trakt that unites the old (Billing-Bau) and the new building (Mitzlaff-Bau) of the Mannheim Kunsthalle.
The natural light flows from the upmost Hole above the Museum rooftop, through the Holes in the floors below, meeting the light projected upwards from a Gobo projector located at the lowest floor. At the rooftop, a custom designed laser light (also used by astronomers to point at stars), projects into the universe the artist's symbol of the HMap. The natural and the artificial lights meet again symbolically at the antipodes of the museum, close to New Zealand at 49°28'56,68" S, 171°31'29,63" E.
Seven rooms contains the seven holes, starting from above: Infinite Room, Phoenix Room, Reflection Room, Silence Room, Treasure Room, Ground Room, Earth Room.
Each room hosts different installations, with videos, HHole specially designed acrylic furniture, waterfall, living tree, pool, telephone to connect each level, etc.
- Die Welt 25/04/2015 - Und ich sage, dieses Loch ist Kunst
- RNF Reportage about NatHalie Braun Barends, HHole and PHaradise
- FAZ 06/02/2015 about HHole for Mannheim 2006 - ∞
- SWR Reportage about NatHalie Braun Barends, HHole and PHaradise
- Book HHole for Mannheim 2006 - ∞
- Kunsthalle Program Jan Feb 2007
- Kunsthalle Program Marz April 2007
- Kunsthalle Program Mai Juni 100 Jahre 2007
- Kunsthalle Program HHole for Mannheim 2006 - ∞ Juli August 2007
- PresseInfo Kunsthalle Mannheim 100 Yahre
- Alfred Huber: Im Paradies der Farben. 12 March 2007. Mannheimer Morgen
- Peter W. Ragge: Lichterglanz auf gewebtem Metall. March 2007 Mannheimer Morgen
- Philipp Pöhlert-Brackrock: Lichtinstallation zum Geburtstag Allgemeine Zeitung
- Annika Wind: Wenn Werke in den Himmel wachsen Mannheimer Morgen
- Eva Meyer: HHole for Mannheim. 6/12/2006. Zeitschrift
- Peter W. Ragge: Der Blickwinkel weiten. July 2006 Mannheimer Morgen
- Barbara Förster: Von Porno-Studio zum Akt-Kabinett. Sept 2006 Mannheimer Morgen
- Kristina Pröpper Skandaliesierunt. Nov 2006 Mannheimer Morgen
- Peter Kiefer: Kunst Loch.
- Julia Ranniko: Dem Brandschutz geschuldet. Deutsche Press Agentur
- Art - Das Kunstmagazin
- Axel Springer - Die Welt
- Jens O. Brelle - Art Lawyer Magazin
- Julia Ranniko - Wormser Zeitung
- HHole for Mannheim 2006 - ∞