Govinda Krishna Chettur

Govinda Krishna Chettur (1898-1936) was an Indian poet writing in English. Chettur served as Principal, Government College, Mangalore.[1][2]



  1. Sisir Kumar Das -History of Indian Literature: 1911-1956 .8172017987 1991 -- Page 670 "By Govinda Krishna Chettur. With a total of 37 sonnets and a short ten-line prefatory poem in English, this work conceived on the model of Tennyson's In Memoriumis a result of some personal sorrow."
  2. Harish Raizada The lotus and the rose: Indian fiction in English, 1850-1947 -1978 Page 123 "Govind Krishna Chettur in whose premature death in 1936, Indo- Anglian literature lost a promising poet and short story writer, was the elder of the two brothers. Besides the four collections of the poems, The Temple Tank (1932) The Triumph .
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