Giovanni Antonio De Pieri

Giovanni Antonio De Pieri, known as il Zoppo Vicentino (1671–1751) was an Italian painter of the Baroque style, born and active in Vicenza.[1]

He was prolific locally in painting sacred subjects. He was dismissed by the art historian Lanzi as having an easy brush but less decisive[2] An inventory of art in Vicenza in 1769, cites the following works by Pieri:[3]


  1. Museo Civici of Vicenza, entry for painting on Allegoria dell'Inverno.
  2. di un penello facile e men deciso Storia pittorica della Italia: La scuola veneziana, by Luigi Lanzi, page 234.
  3. Descrizione delle architetture; pitture e scolture di Vicenza, by Francesco Vendramini Mosca, page 142.
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