Francisco Mariño y Soler

Francisco Mariño y Soler
Liutenant Colonel of Colombia Army / Counselor of War / Brigadier General in Retirement.
In office
Major of Sogamoso City
Senator of Republic of New Granada
Senator of Granadine Confederation
Senator of United States of Colombia
Personal details
Born Francisco de Borja Mariño y Soler
9 October 1780
Tunja, New Kingdom of Granada, Spanish Empire (present-day Colombia)
Died 31 August 1876
Tibasosa, Colombia (present-day Colombia)
Nationality Spain - Colombia
Spouse(s) Camila Franco y Currea
Religion Catholic Church

Francisco Mariño y Soler[1] (9 October 1780 in Tunja, Colombia; 31 August 1876 in Tibasosa, militar, political and Hispanic American aristocrat born in New Granada, present Republic of Colombia. He was a patriot, Knight of the Order of Santiago.

Neogranadinan Revolution

As an intellectual and fervent defender of the human rights, he absorbs much of the eighteenth and nineteenth century literature. At the outbreak of revolution in New Granada, he is placed at the service of the Republic and is appointed Colonel of the Liberation Army.[2]

He then becomes a spy of sorts using his social position and financially supports the independence from Spain.

When events thrust, the Reconquista and Pacification by the Spanish crown headed by General Pablo Morillo, brings about a violent pacification in the lands of the New Granada. From the Captaincy General of Venezuela Morillo warns the War Ministry of Spain about the situation and the three Mariño brothers rebellion, in special about Francisco and Ignacio.

Morillo receives absolute power to carry out his duties as General and reconquistador. He then imprisons and executes the majority of noblemen. Except for Francisco who is arrested instead, tried and confined to his house in Tibasosa (the same building that serves today as the Biblioteca Pública Francisco Mariño y Soler[3]). While there, he devotes most of the time to reading and maturing his political outlook.

The sentence imposed on Francisco was never brought about.[4] The very hand of the Spanish Crown over his head prevented General Pablo Morillo to vent his rage against him while also preserving his brother, Captain Fray Ignacio Mariño y Torres. However, Francisco's titles and honors were stripped, instead.

As a military, he fought in the Vargas Swamp Battle near Bonza and the Battle of Boyacá.[5]

Republican Life

At the dawn of Colombia's independence, Francisco becomes Mayor of the city of Sogamoso and after that he serves as a Senator of the Republic of New Granada, Granadine Confederation and United States of Colombia, where he is involved in the creation of laws and furthers the development of the nascent democracy. A fervent Catholic, he serves the state in different ways. One of those ways was to deliver most of its wealth and wealth to the nation that he helped build. How politician was constituent congressman and senator at different stages of development of Colombia.

Private Life

He retired from office when he considered the duties to his nation to be completely fulfilled, and settles in his hacienda "Ayalas", where he dedicates his time to agriculture and the care of his numerous offspring.

He was a Knight of the Order of Liberators and the only Colombian to date who has received the honorable title of Cincinnatus, an honor that he shares with George Washington.

Cincinnatus: Epigraph used after L. Quinctius Cincinnatus -and generally used to describe a virtuous Roman patrician-, a model of civic virtue. Cincinnatus saved Rome from the Celtic invasions of the North. Although the Roman dictatorship is attached to his name, it was not really a dictatorship as we know it today. This used to be an office held for a set time retrofitted with all the powers while implying the officer's resignation after completion of their missions.
The meaning of Cincinnatus when applied to Washington and Francisco is that of worthy, honest, generous, brave, noble, patrician of the nation. Essentially Primus Inter Pares.


Born in the Tunja city and baptized in honour Saint Francis of Borja, Francisco Mariño y Soler was member of one of the most noble colonial families in Kingdom of New Granada which descends from one of the oldest and most noble lineages of Spain (Mariño Lineage)[6] rooted in mythology, history and related to most ancients, noble and royal lineages[7][8] in the history of Spain, born of a powerful Lords and a beauty mermaids).[9] His parents were Miguél Augustín Mariño de los Reyes and María Josefa Soler y Currea. He was a great-great-grandson of Jerónimo Mariño de Lobeira y Sotomayor,[10] Spanish explorer, settler, captain of the king and high justice in Santa Rosa de Viterbo, who arrived in America from Pontevedra between 1639 and 1641. His half-brother Ignacio Mariño y Torres,[11] Dominican priest, colonel of liberty Army and Magister Misioniss and his cousin Santiago Mariño[12] y Carige, General in Chief of East Army and President of Republic of Venezuela. Meanwhile, his ancestors were: troubadours,[13][14] ambassadors,[15][16][17] priests,[18] ship owners,[19] businessmen, explorers, colonizers and rulers.


Military Grades and Charges

Republic Honors


Francisco Mariño y Soler in images


  1. Hollmann de Villaveces, Fenita Quintero González, Miguel Wenceslao Restrepo Posada, José Balen, Eduardo, Genealogías de Santa Fe de Bogotá, Book V, published by: Fernando Restrepo Uribe, 2006-06-30. ISBN 978-958-97876-3-2
  2. Rodriguéz Camargo, Jesús Alfonso, general Secretary of Congress of Republic of Colombia / Project of Law 075 from 2010,, 2010.
  4. Nullvalue, Tibasosa en la campaña libertadora, August 10, 1999, Newspaper El Tiempo,
  5. Caballero Calderon, Eduardo. Brevario, El Malpensante.
  6. Garcia Oro, José, de Barcelos Pedro (B:R:A:G and PARES Files, Genealogías de Ortegal, 2010, Mariño, S, XII and XIV
  7. Cerveira de Alburquerque, Eduardo. Familia Marinho, Doña Juana Henriquez de Castro, wife of Payo Mariño de Lobeira, foros, May 19, 2001, #5006.
  8. De la Iglésia González Antonio. Estudios Arqueológicos / Archeological Studies, Pages 393, 394, 395, Edited and Published by: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de Galicia, Printed by: Estilo Estugraf Impresores, Galicia, Spain. ISBN 978-84-00-08621-3
  9. Luaña, Susana. Los ojos azules del hijo de la sirena, Una leyenda relaciona a los Mariño y sus descendientes con los seres mitológicos del mar. La Voz de Galicia, June 20 on 2014.
  10. Hollmann de Villaveces, Fenita Quintero González, Miguel Wenceslao Restrepo Posada, José Balen, Eduardo, Genealogias de Santa Fe de Bogotá, Tomo V, Edited by: Restrepo Uribe, Fernando, 2006. ISBN 978-958-97876-3-2
  11. Quijano Otero, José María. El Alma del Padre Mariño / The Priest Mariño Soul, Biblioteca del Banco de la República de Colombia Luis Ángel Arango.
  12. Franco Vargas, Constancio. El Jeneral, Santiago Mariño, Biblioteca del Banco de la República de Colombia Luis Ángel Arango.
  13. Cotarello y Valledor, Amador. Songs of Payo Gómez Chariño/ Cancionero de Payo Gómez Chariño, poetas Gallegos del siglo XIII, Published 1931 by Tip. de Archivos in Madrid . Written in Spanish. Library of Congress PQ9469.G6 C57
  14. Cotarello y Valledor, Amador. Brothers Iohannis Marinus / Los Hermanos Eans Mariño, poetas Gallegos del siglo XIII, Published 1933 by Tip. de Archivos in Madrid. Written in Spanish. Library of Congress PQ9469.E3 C6
  15. Foundation Duke House of Medinacelli, Payo Gómez de Sotomayor, Marshall and Embassador of Castilla.
  16. da Ponte, Vasco / de Salazar y Castro, Luis / Manso Porto, Carmen / Vila Suso. Gómez de Soutomaior, s. XV and XVII, Xenealogías de Ortegal, 200 - 2016.
  17. De Molina Gonzalo Argote, Historia del Gran Tamorlan, pgs, 2, 3, Printed by: Don Antonio de Sancha, M. DCC. LXXXII, Madrid, Spain
  18. Garcia Oro, José / Gallo Felgueiras, (Albuequerque Eduardo). Familia Marinho, Vasco Pérez Mariño, Bispo de Orense, presente no conselho de Alfonso XI de Vallodolid, January 16 on 1336. Foros, May 16 on 2001.
  19. Gallego Dominguez, Olga Coloquio Galaico Minhoto, Volume II, Documentos sobre Portugal. Sobre el pago de tres naos encargadas por el Rey de Portugal a Juan Mariño, hidalgo de la Cámara del Emperador en Bayona. foros, May 8, 2001, #139646.
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