Fell Farm Holiday

Fell Farm Holiday is in the Fell Farm series written by Marjorie LLoyd. It was first published in 1951.

It follows the 5 Browne siblings as they stay at Fell Farm (High Arnisde Farm in real life which is near Skelwith Bridge) during the summer holidays.


The Browne children come to the Lake District by train. They used to stay here frequently before the war but because of it they haven't for a few years. They arrive at Windermere station where they are picked up by Mr Jenks. Over the next few days Jan bird watches, Sally helps Mrs Jenks bake, they all go on walks and help on the farm. The 4 older children plan a hike but fog means that they go the wrong way and end up in Ennerdale valley. They can't go back the way they came due to fog so they spend the rest of the day hiking and bitching lifts around the coastal way back. They sleep by some trees where a police man finds them and takes hem back to his cottage for the night. In the morning the 4 Browne sneak off leaving a note as they want to get back by themselves without help from the police man. They hitch back to Coniston and meet Mr Jenna who drives them back. Over some rainy days they plan a camping expedition with Sally as a non camping go between. Luckily, the weather improves and they begin to prepare by buying food and getting their camping things ready. They gather their things and with the help of Bobbin the farm horse they take them to Farmer Wilson's barn - their base camp. They set their tents up at their main camp which is between Esk Hause and Sprinkling Tarn. They create band leave a coded message at Fell Farm to make it more exciting for Sally. They camp here, surveying the river Esk before climbing to the top of Scafell Pike, having this as their camp for one night before returning to their main camp. Kay, Pat and Hyacinth finish surveying the river Esk up to where it meets the road at Hard Knott. They spend their last night up on Eskdale but in the early hours of the morning a storm means they have to crawl down. They'd be too exposed going back by Esk Hause so they go back an alternative route via Hard Knott in the pouring rain. A few days later Bill Weatherby comes to the farm and takes Pat and Kay rock climbing at Dow Crag and the Langdales. Just before they leave to go back to school the Jenkins get a letter from the children's parents asking if they can stay there for the Christmas holidays. They accept and everyone is happy.


The main characters are the 5 Browne children, 2 boys and 3 girls.


(Numbers represent new days)

The Munro Browne Exploratory and Mapping Expedition to the Central Massif of the Lake District

The four older children plan a camping expedition, Sally will not camp but will visit regularly as a go between. They will camp using Farmer Wilson's barn as base camp to store supplies.




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