Duet (2014 film)
Duet is a 2014 short film created by Disney animator Glen Keane. The project was done in conjunction with Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects Group (ATAP) as part of Google’s Spotlight Stories.[1]
Keane initially said the following when he heard about the possible collaboration: "When I first looked at the phone and saw how small the screen was, I thought this wasn’t going to be for me...I realize now that I was wrong on that."[1]
An interactive version allowed viewers to "follow either character or examine the various settings from various angles depending on how they moved their phones".[1]
The film is "a hand-drawn, lyrical look at the intertwined lives of a boy and a girl from birth to adulthood".[1]
Critical reception
The film garnered an Annie Award nomination, and is currently short listed for an Academy Award nomination too.[1]
External links
- http://motorola-blog.blogspot.com.au/2014/11/glen-keane-on-making-of-duet-now.html
- http://www.cartoonbrew.com/interactive/interactive-version-of-glen-keanes-duet-released-105807.html
- http://www.awn.com/news/pollen-creates-original-score-glen-keanes-duet
- http://www.awn.com/animationworld/glen-keane-talks-duet-and-legacy-disney-animation
- http://filmmakermagazine.com/88591-i-see-it-more-as-a-visual-poem-animator-glen-keane-on-the-interactive-film-duet/#.VXFORfmqqko