Dora Maurer

Dora Maurer (born 1937 in Budapest) is a Hungarian artist that has spanned a 50-year career.[1] With an emphasis in photography, film, graphic design, and more, Maurer has made a household name for herself in the art world. Gaining most of her popularity in the 1970s, with avant-garde work, Maurer has made her art career off of contemporary and modern influenced works that have been shown worldwide. All of her art is based on mathematical, and complex system processes. Most of Maurer's work follows the theme of showing options to the viewer and what the viewer can do with those options. Many of her works break down simple actions so the viewer can really view the piece as movement, not a photograph of movement. Dora Maurer is not only an artist, but she has been a professor at Faculty of Fine Arts in Budapest[2] and a curator.


In Dora Maurer's work, geometric, mathematical, and conceptual[3] systems all appear. These are the processes in which her mind thinks when creating her art. Dora Maurer explores different cycles in showing things such as simple actions to make the viewer see her art as movement. She simply gives the viewer examples of things she can do with different objects, to make them think about what they would do. All of Maurer's work displays geometric compositions and designs. She is very methodical with the composition she uses, the images, lines, width of lines, colors, angles, and more. Some of her famous works come from her quassi photos, her series Reversible and Changeable Phases of Movement, and her newest series, Overlappings.

While Dora Maurer states that her works are simple examples of what she can do, many critics like to attach political statement undertones to them. In the past, people have said that her works are examples of the socialist background she grew up during. It is important to note though, that Dora Maurer does not consider her art political, nor does she bear the thought in mind when creating. In fact, Maurer has said that the only reason people say her work is political, is because everything made during that time was political.[4] Most of this critique is attributed to her work done in the 1960s to 1980s.


Since 2007


  1. "Dora Maurer". Artinfo. Retrieved 28 April 2012.
  2. Wannieck Gallery. "Dora Maurer". Wannieck Gallery. Retrieved 28 April 2012.
  3. Balvanyos, Anna. "Dora Maurer". E-Flux. Retrieved 28 April 2012.
  4. Rappolt, Mark. "Dora Maurer". Art Review. Retrieved 28 April 2012.
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