Catherine McBride-Chang

Catherine Alexandra McBride, (formerly McBride-Chang), is a professor of developmental psychology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong specializing in the acquisition of early literacy skills.[1] She received her BA in Psychology from Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. She received her MA in 1992 and PhD in 1994 from the University of Southern California, and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL.[2] She has had two books published, Children's Literacy Development and Reading Development in Chinese Children. She is currently the Past-President of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR).[3]

McBride has served as an associate editor for four journals and authored or coauthored nearly 200 journal articles. She has also given talks on her work in China, Korea, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, Australia, and the United States. She takes a cross-cultural and developmental approach to literacy learning, having published articles on learning to read and to write in many different cultures, languages, and orthographies, including Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Korean, and English. She is interested in many constructs believed to be central for learning to read and to write, including segmental and suprasegmental phonological sensitivity, morphological awareness, visual-orthographic skills, visual-motor skills, memory, and fluency. She is currently president of a new society focused on understanding literacy expertise, development, and impairment in Asia, called the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia.

Selected bibliography


Journal papers


  1. "Curriculum Vitae" (PDF). Department of Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  2. "McBride-Chang Catherine Alexandra". Department of Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  3. "Past-President: Catherine McBride". Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. 2014-12-16. Retrieved 2016-06-06.

External links

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