BoRit Asbestos

The BoRit Asbestos Area Community Advisory Group (CAG) was established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and community members to represent the interests of the communities surrounding the 32 acre BoRit Asbestos Area near the intersection of Whitpain Township, Upper Dublin Township, and Ambler Borough, Pennsylvania, in providing advice and input regarding the BoRit Asbestos Area. The BoRit Asbestos Area is made up of three areas each under different ownership. Area #1 is known as the BoRit site (a.k.a. Kane Core property) and comprises approximately 6 acres. Area #2 is known as the Wissahickon Waterfowl Preserve (a.k.a. the Reservoir site) and comprises approximately 15 acres. Area #3 is known as the Wissahickon Park (a.k.a. Whitpain Park.) acres.[1]


  1. BoRit Asbestos Superfund Site Wibsite

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