Graeme James Caughley bibliography

Main article: Graeme James Caughley

Graeme James Caughley was a New Zealand biologist.


Analysis of Vertebrate Populations. 1977.[1]

The Deer Wars: The Story of Deer in New Zealand. 1983.[2]

Kangaroos: Their Ecology and Management in the Sheep Rangelands of Australia. 1987.[3]

Wildlife Ecology and Management. 1994.[4]

Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management. 1994.[5]

Conservation Biology in Theory and Practice. 1996.[6]


The Comparative Ecology of the Red and Grey Kangaroo. M.Sc.[7]

Growth, Stabilization, and Decline of New Zealand Populations of the Himalayan Thar (Hemitragus jemlacius). Ph.D.[8]

The Dynamics of Mammalian Populations. DSc.[9]


1958 - 1970


How High do Birds Live in the Southern Alps?[10]


A Study of Home Range in a Feral Goat Herd.[11]


The Adelie Penguins of Ross and Beaufort Islands.[12]

The Cape Crozier Emperor Penguin Colony.[13]

Dead Seals Inland.[14]

Observations on Incubation and Chick Rearing in the Antarctic Skua.[15]

Riflemen in Exotic Pine Forests.[16]


Habitat Occupation of Birds in a New Zealand High Country Drainage during the Breeding Season.[17]


Dispersal Rates of Several Ungulates Introduced into New Zealand.[18]


Density and Dispersion of Two Species of Kangaroo in Relation to Habitat.[19]

Does the New Zealand Vertebrate Fauna Conform to Zoogeographic Principles?[20]

(Review) The Distribution and Abundance of Animals by H.G. Andrewartha and L.C. Birch.[21]

(Review) Introduction to the Study of Animals Populations by H.G. Andrewartha (Review).[22]

Social Organization and Daily Activity of the Red Kangaroo and the Grey Kangaroo.[23]

Sex Ratios in Marsupial Pouch Young. Caughley, G. and R.I. Kean.[24]

Composition of Thar's Milk. Rammell, C.G. and G., Caughley.[25]


Horn Rings and Tooth Eruption as Criteria of Age in the Himalayan Thar "Hemitragus jemlahicus".[26]

A Method of Comparing the Numbers of Species in Areas Covered by Different Periods of Observations.[27]

Politics and Science.[28]

Standardizing the Common Name of 'Possum' for Trichosurus vulpecula.[29]

The Vertebrate Fauna of Gilruth Plains, South-West Queensland.[30]


The Breeding of Black-Backed Gulls in the South Island Mountains.[31]

Mortality Patterns in Mammals.[32]


Calculations of Population Mortality Rate and Life Expectancy for Thar and Kangaroos from the Ratio of Juveniles to Adults.[33]

Parameters for Seasonally Breeding Populations.[34]


Genetics of Melanism in the Fantail "Ripidura fuliginosa".[35]

Wildlife and Recreation on the Trisuli Watershed and Other Areas in Nepal.[36]


Cervus elaphus in Southern Tibet.[37]

A Comment on Vandermeer's 'Pseudo-reproductive value'.[38]

Eruption of Ungulate Populations with Emphasis on Himalayan Thar in New Zealand.[39]

Fat Reserves of Himalayan Thar in New Zealand by Sex, Season, Area, and Age.[40]

Habitat of the Himilayan Tahr "Hemitragus Jemlahicus".[41]

Liberation, Dispersal, and Distribution of Himalayan Thar in New Zealand.[42]

Mortality Patterns in Mammals.[32]

Population Statistics of Chamois.[43]

(Review) The Natural History of Canterbury, by G.A. Knox.[44]

Wildlife Resources of Afghanistan.[45]

1971 - 1980


Correction for Band Loss.[46]

Demography, Fat Reserves, and Body Size of a Population of Red Deer in New Zealand.[47]

An Investigation of Hybridization between Free-Ranging Wapiti and Red Deer in New Zealand.[48]

The Name of the Himalayan ***.[49]

Offspring Sex Ratio and Age of Parents.[50]

The Season of Births for Northern-Hemisphere Ungulates in New Zealand.[51]

Rate of Increase.[52]


Improving the Estimates from Inaccurate Censuses. Caughley, G. and J. Goddard.[53]


Game Management.[54]


Bias in Aerial Survey.[55]

Interpretation of Age Ratios.[56]

Introduced Mammals: Thar.[57]

Productivity, Offtake, and Rate of Increase.[58]

Estimating Median Date of Birth. Caughley, G. and J. Caughley.[59]


The Distribution of Eastern Grey Kangaroos ("Macropus giganteus" Shaw) in North Western New South Wales.[60]

(Review) East African Mammals, Vol. 2 by J. Kingdon.[61]

Abundance and Distribution of Elephants in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. Caughley, G. and J. Goddard.[62]


The Elephant Problem - an Alternative Hypothesis.[63]

Plant Herbivore Systems.[64]

(Review) Animal Population Ecology by J.P. Dempster (Review).[65]

(Review) Conservation in Practice by A. Warren and F.B. Goldsmith (eds).[66]

The Taxonomy of Moas.[67]

Wildlife Management and the Dynamics of Ungulate Populations.[68]

Experiments in Aerial Survey. Caughley, G., R.G. Sinclair, and D. Scott-Kemmis.[69]


Numbers, Distribution, and Harvesting Rate of Kangaroos on the Island Plains of New South Wales. Caughley, G., R.G. Sinclair, and R.G. Wilson.[70]

Sampling in Aerial Survey.[71]


Evaluating Control Techniques.[72]


A Double Survey-Estimate of Population Size from Incomplete Counts. Magnusson, W.E., G. Caughley, and G.C. Grigg.[74]


Designs for Aerial Censuses.[75]

Sampling Techniques for Aerial Census.[76]

What is this Thing Called Carrying Capacity?[77]

Trend of Kangaroo Populations in New South Wales, Australia. Caughley, G., R.G. Sinclair, and G.C. Grigg.[78]


(Review) The George Reserve Deer Herd by D.R. McCullough.[79]

Does Dingo Predation Control the Densities of Kangaroos and Emus? Caughley, G., G.C. Grigg, J. Caughley, and G.J.E. Hill.[80]

1981 - 1988


Comments on : 'Natural Regulation of Ungulates (What Constitutes a Real Wilderness?)'.[81]


What We Do Not Know about Dynamics of Large Mammals.[83]

Surveys of the Distribution and Density of Kangaroos in the Pastoral Zone of South Australia, and Their Bearing on the Feasibility of Aerial Survey in Large and Remote Areas. Caughley, G. and G.C. Grigg.[84]


Aerial Survey in Australia.[85]

(Review) Comparative Ecology by Y. Ito.[86]

Vegetation Complexity and the Dynamics of Modelled Grazing Systems.[87]

A Correction Factor for Counting Emus from the Air, and its Application to Counts in Western Australia. Caughley, G. and D. Grice.[88]

Numbers and Distribution of Kangaroos in Queensland Pastoral Zone. Caughley, G. and G.C. Grigg.[89]


Dynamics of Large Mammals and Their Relevance to Culling.[90]

Management of Waterfowl. Caughley, G. and S.V. Briggs.[91]

How Many Kangaroos? Caughley, G., G.C. Grigg, and J. Short.[92]

Are Big Mammals Simply Little Mammals Writ Large? Caughley, G. and C.J. Krebs.[93]

Working with Ecological Ideas. Caughley, G. and B. Walker.[94]

Wildlife Management as Scientific Experimentation. Macnab, John [pseudonym for Caughley, G., A.R.E. Sinclair, D. Houston, and R.H.J. Bell].[95]


On Scientific Utilization of Airlines.[96]

Determinants of Olympic Performance.[97]

(Review) Principles of Wildlife Management by J.A. Bailey.[98]

The Grey Kangaroo Overlap Zone. Caughley, G., B. Brown, P. Dostine, and D. Grice.[99]

The Distribution and Abundance of Kangaroos in Western Australia in Relation to Environment. Short, J., G. Caughley, D. Grice, and B. Brown.[100]


Address to the 37th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Deerstalkers' Association.[101]

Harvesting of Wildlife: Past, Present, and Future.[102]

Problems in Wildlife Management.[103]

Movement of Kangaroos after a Fire in Mallee Woodland.[104]

The Effect of Drought on Kangaroo Populations. Caughley, G., G. C. Grigg, and L. Smith.[105]

Denstiy and Distribution of Emus. Grice, D., G. Caughley, and J. Short.[106]

The Australian Kangaroo Populations. Grigg, G.C., L.A. Beard, G. Caughley, D. Grice, M. Fletcher, and C. Southwell.[107]

Carrying Capacity and Related Slippery Shibboleths. Macnab, John [pseudonym for Houston, D., A.R.E. Sinclair, G. Caughley, and M.J. Norton-Griffiths.[108]


Rangelands, Livestock, and Wildlife.[109]

Density and Distribution of the Australian Bustard "Ardeotis australis". Grice, D., G. Caughley, and J. Short.[110]


Chapter 1 Introduction.[111]

Chapter 10: Ecological Relationships.[112]

The Distribution of Eutherian Body Weights.[113]

Drought and Kangaroo Populations: A Response.[114]

(Review) Immigrant Killers: Introduced Predators and the Conservation of Birds in New Zealand by Carolyn King.[115]

Kangaroos and Climate: An Analysis of Distribution.[116]

Chapter 11: Options for Management of Kangaroos. Shepherd, N. and G. Caughley.[117]


The Colonisation of New Zealand by the Polynesians.[118]

Control of Wild Animals.[119]

Plant-Herbivore Interactions.[120]

A Projection of Ivory Production and its Implications for the Conservation of African Elephants.[121]

(Review) Collins Guide to the Mammals of New Zealand by M. Daniel and A. Baker.[122]

Report to Tasmanian National Parks and Wildlife Service on Fallow Deer Survey Methods.[123]

The Edge of the Range. Caughley, G., D. Grice, R. Barker, and B. Brown.[124]

The Distribution and Relative Abundance of Camels in Australia. Short, J., G. Caughley, D. Grice, B. Brown.[125]

1989 - 1994


New Zealand Plant-Herbivore Systems: Past and Present.[126]

(Review) Red Deer in the Highlands by T.H. Clutton-Brock and S.D. Albon.[127]

(Review) The Reindeer of South Georgia. The Ecology of an Introduced Population by N. Leader-Williams.[128]

Kangaroo Population Trends in the Australian Rangelands. Fletcher, M., C.J. Southwell, N.W. Sheppard, G. Caughley, D. Grice, G.C. Grigg, L.A. Beard.[129]

Report of the Workshop on Management Options for Rapidly Expanding Muskox Populations using Banks Island as an Example. Gunn, A., C. Shank, and G. Caughley.[130]


Control of Wild Animals.[131]

A Review of Wildlife Research Projects.[132]

Report on Cockatoo Damage to Roofing Membranes. Caughley, G., b. Brown, and D. Grice.[133]

Projected Decline of the African Elephant. Caughley, G., H. Dublin, and I Parker.[134]

Distribution and Abundance of Kangaroos. Barker, R.D. and G. Caughley.[135]

Accuracy of Aerial Surveys. Grice, D., G. Caughley, and B. Brown.[136]


A Matter of Opinion.[137]

(Review) The Handbook of New Zealand Mammals. by C.M. King (ed).[115]

(Review) Panbio-Geography.[138]

Does Game Cropping Serve Conservation? Macnab, John [pseudonym for Houston, D., A.R.E. Sinclair, G. Caughley, and M.J. Norton-Griffiths][139]

Resource Assessment Commission: Forest Timber Inquiry Draft Report. Vols 1 and 2. Stewart, Justice Donald, G. Caughley, and D. James.[140]


Effect of Fertility Control on a Population's Productivity. Caughley, G., R. Pech, and D. Grice.[141]

Distribution and Abundance of Kangaroos (Marsupialaia: Macropodiae) at the Time of European Contact: Victoria. Barker, R.D. and G. Caughley.[142]


Elephants and Economics.[143]

Response by Australian Research Council to Report No. 6. Caughley, G., P. Grubb, and C.H. Peterson.[144]

Dynamics of Large Herbivores in Deserts: Kangaroos and Caribou. Caughley, G. and A. Gunn.[145]


Directions in Conservation Biology.[146]


  1. Caughley, G. 1977. Analysis of Vertebrate Populations. Wiley-Interscience Publications, London.
  2. Caughley, G. The Deer Wars, Hong Kong, 1983, pp.13-14
  3. Caughley, G., N. Shepherd, and J. Short. 1987. Cambridge University Press
  4. Caughley, G. and A.R.E. Sinclair. 1994. Wildlife Ecology and Management. Blackwell Publishing.
  5. Sinclair, A.R.E., J. Fryxell, and G. Caughley. Wiley-Blackwell
  6. Caughley, G. and A. Gunn. 1996. Blackwell Publishers.
  7. Caughley, G. 1962. The Comparative Ecology of the Red and Grey Kangaroo. M.Sc. Thesis, Zoology Department, University of Sydney. 177p.
  8. Caughley, G. 1967. Growth, Stabilization, and Decline of New Zealand Populations of the Himalayan Thar (Hemitragus jemlacius). Ph.D. (Zoology) Thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. 155p.
  9. Caughley, G. 1978. The Dynamics of Mammalian Populations. D.Sc. Thesis, University of Sydney.
  10. Caughley, G. 1958. How High do Birds Live in the Southern Alps? Notornis 8:24.
  11. Riney, T. and G. Caughley. 1959. A Study of Home Range in a Feral Goat Herd. New Zealand Journal of Science 2:157-170.
  12. Caughley, G. 1960. The Adelie Penguins of Ross and Beaufort Islands. Records of the Dominion Museum (New Zealand) 3:263-282.
  13. Caughley, G. 1960. The Cape Crozier Emperor Penguin Colony. Records of the Dominion Museum (New Zealand) 3:251-262.
  14. Caughley, G. 1960. Dead Seals Inland. Antarctica 2:270-271.
  15. Caughley, G. 1960. Observations on Incubation and Chick Rearing in the Antarctic Skua. Notornis 8:194-195.
  16. Caughley, G. 1960. Riflemen in Exotic Pine Forests. Notornis 9:63.
  17. Caughley, G. Habitat Occupation of Birds in a New Zealand High Country Drainage during the Breeding Season. Emu 62:129-139.
  18. Caughley, G. 1963. Dispersal Rates of Several Ungulates Introduced into New Zealand. Nature 200:280-281.
  19. Caughley, G. 1964. Density and Dispersion of Two Species of Kangaroo in Relation to Habitat. Australian Journal of Zoology 12:238-249.
  20. Caughley, G. 1964. Does the New Zealand Vertebrate Fauna Conform to Zoogeographic Principles? Tuatara 12:49-56.
  21. Caughley, G. 1964. (Review) The Distribution and Abundance of Animals by H.G. Andrewartha and L.C. Birch. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 9:223-224.
  22. Caughley, G. 1964. (Review) Introduction to the Study of Animals Populations by H.G. Andrewartha. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 9:223-224.
  23. Caughley, G. 1964. Social Organization and Daily Activity of the Red Kangaroo and the Grey Kangaroo. Journal of Mammalogy 45:429-436.
  24. Caughley, G. and R.I. Kean. Sex Ratios in Marsupial Pouch Young. Nature 204:491.
  25. Rammell, C.G. and G. Caughley. 1964. Composition of Thar's Milk. New Zealand Journal of Science 7:667-670.
  26. Caughley, G. 1965. Horn Rings and Tooth Eruption as Criteria of Age in the Himalayan Thar "Hemitragus jemlahicus". New Zealand Journal of Science 8:333-351.
  27. Caughley, G. 1965. A Method of Comparing the Numbers of Species in Areas Covered by Different Periods of Observations. Emu 65:115-118.
  28. Caughley, G. 1965. Politics and Science. Te Karere 1:12-14.
  29. Caughley, G. 1965. Standarzing the Common Name of 'Possum' for "Trichosurus vulpecula". Tuatara 13:30.
  30. Booker, M.G. and G., Caughley. 1965. The Vertebrate Fauna of Gilruth Plains, South-West Queensland. Linnean Society of New South Wales 90:238-241.
  31. Caughley, G. 1966. The Breeding of Black-Backed Gulls in the South Island Mountains. Notornis 13:166.
  32. 1 2 Caughley, G. 1966. Mortality Patterns in Mammals. Ecology 47:906-918.
  33. Caughley, G. 1967. Calculations of Population Mortality Rate and Life Expectancy for Thar and Kangaroos from the Ratio of Juveniles to Adults. New Zealand Journal of Science 10: 578–584.
  34. Caughley, G. 1967. Parameters for Seasonally Breeding Populations. Ecology 48: 834–839.
  35. Caughley, G. 1969. Genetics of Melanism in the Fantail "Rhipidura fuliginosa". Notornis 16: 237–240.
  36. Caughley, G. 1969. Wildlife and Recreation on the Trisuli Watershed and Other Areas in Nepal. HMG/FAO/UNDP Trisuli Watershed Development Project. Project Report No.6. p. 54.
  37. Caughley, G. 1970. Cervus elaphus in Southern Tibet. Journal of Mammalogy 51: 611–614.
  38. Caughley, G. 1970. A Comment on Vandermeer's 'Pseudo-Reproductive Value'. American Naturalist 104: 214–5.
  39. Caughley, G. 1970. Eruption of Ungulate Populations with Emphasis on Himalayan Thar in New Zealand. Ecology 51: 53–72.
  40. Caughley, G. 1970. Fat Reserves of Himalayan Thar in New Zealand by Sex, Season, Area and Age. New Zealand Journal of Science 13: 209–219.
  41. Caughley, G. 1970. Habitat of the Himalayan Tahr "Hemitragus jemlahicus". Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 67: 105–106.
  42. Caughley, G. 1970. Liberation, Dispersal, and Distribution of Himalayan Thar in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Science 13: 220–239.
  43. Caughley, G. 1970. Population Statistics of Chamois. Mammalia 34: 194–199.
  44. Caughley, G. 1970. (REVIEW) The Natural History of Canterbury, by G.A. Knox (ed.). Australian Journal of Science 32: 374.
  45. Caughley, G. 1970. Wildlife Resources of Afghanistan. FAO Publ. TA2905, 11 pp.
  46. Caughley, G. 1971. Correction for Band Loss. Bird-banding 42: 220–221.
  47. Caughley, G. 1971. Demography, Fat Reserves, and Body Size of a Population of Red Deer in New Zealand. Mammalia 35: 369–383.
  48. Caughley, G. 1971. An Investigation of Hybridization between Free-Ranging Wapiti and Red Deer in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Science 14: 993–1008.
  49. Caughley, G. 1971. The Name of the Himalayan ***. New Zealand Wildlife 32: 20–21.
  50. Caughley, G. 1971. Offspring Sex Ratio and Age of Parents. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 25: 369–383.
  51. Caughley, G. 1971. The Season of Births for Northern-Hemisphere Ungulates in New Zealand. Mammalia 35: 204–219.
  52. Caughley, G. and L.C. Birch. 1971. Rate of Increase. Journal of Wildlife Management 35: 658–663.
  53. Caughley, G. and Goddard, J. 1972 Improving the estimates from inaccurate censuses. Journal of Wildlife Management 36: 135–140.
  54. Caughley, G. 1973. Game Management. Game Management and Habitat Manipulation in the Luangwa Valley of Zambia, p. 50–158. FAO Publication DP/ZAM/68/510/WDI.
  55. Caughley, G. 1974. Bias in Aerial Survey. Journal of Wildlife Management 38: 921–933.
  56. Caughley, G. 1974. Interpretation of Age Ratios. Journal of Wildlife Management 38: 557–562.
  57. Caughley, G. 1974. Introduced Mammals: Thar. New Zealand Nature Heritage 3: 929–935.
  58. Caughley, G. 1974. Productivity, Offtake, and Rate of Increase. Journal of Wildlife Management 38: 566–567.
  59. Caughley, G. and Caughley, J. 1974. Estimating Median Date of Birth. Journal of Wildlife Management 38: 552–556.
  60. Caughley, G. 1975. The Distribution of Eastern Grey Kangaroos ("Macropus giganteus" Shaw) in North-Western New South Wales. Search 6: 341–342.
  61. Caughley, G. 1975. (Review) East African Mammals, Vol. 2 by J. Kingdon. Search 6: 344.
  62. Caughley, G. and J. Goddard. 1975. Abundance and distribution of elephants in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. East African Wildlife Journal 13: 39–48.
  63. Caughley, G. 1976. The Elephant Problem – an Alternative Hypothesis. East African Wildlife Journal 14: 265–283.
  64. Caughley, G. 1976. Plant-Herbivore Systems. Chapter 6 in R.M. May (ed.) Theoretical Ecology: Principles and Applications. p. 94–113. Blackwell, London.
  65. Caughley, G. 1976. (REVIEW) Animal Population Ecology by J.P. Dempster. (1975). Search 7: 174.
  66. Caughley, G. 1976. (REVIEW) Conservation in Practice by A. Warren and F.B. Goldsmith (eds). (1974). Search 7: 211.
  67. Caughley, G. 1976. The Taxonomy of Moas. Tuatura 23: 20–25.
  68. Caughley, G. 1976. Wildlife Management and the Dynamics of Ungulate Populations. In T.H. Coaker (ed.) Applied Biology 1: 183–246.
  69. Caughley, G., R.G. Sinclair, and D. Scott-Kemmis. 1976. Experiments in Aerial Survey. Journal of Wildlife Management 40: 290–300.
  70. Caughley, G., R.G. Sinclair, and G.R. Wilson. 1977. Numbers, Distribution and Harvesting Rate of Kangaroos on the Inland Plains of New South Wales. Australian Wildlife Research 4: 99–108.
  71. Caughley, G. 1977. Sampling in Aerial Survey. Journal of Wildlife Management 41: 605–615.
  72. Caughley, G. 1978. Evaluating control techniques. Australian Vertebrate Control Conference, Working Papers, p. 1–4.
  73. Caughley, G. 1978. Whaling. Viewpoint 6: 15–18.
  74. Magnusson, W.E., G. Caughley, and G.C. Grigg. 1978. A double-survey estimate of population size from incomplete counts. Journal of Wildlife Management 42: 174–176.
  75. Caughley, G. 1979. Designs for Aerial Censuses. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Special Publication 1: 15–23.
  76. Caughley, G. 1979. Sampling Techniques for Aerial Censuses. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Special Publication 1: 9–14.
  77. Caughley, G. 1979. What is this Thing Called Carrying Capacity? p. 2–8 in M.S. Boyce (ed.) North American Moose: Ecology, Behavior and Management. University of Wyoming Press.
  78. Caughley, G., R.G. Sinclair, and G.C. Grigg. 1979 Trend of kangaroo populations in New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Wildlife Management 43: 775–777.
  79. Caughley, G. 1980. (REVIEW) The George Reserve Deer Herd by D.R. McCullough. (1979). Science 207: 1338–1339.
  80. Caughley, G., G.C. Grigg, J. Caughley, and G.J.E. Hill. 1980. Does dingo predation control the densities of kangaroos and emus? Australian Wildlife Research 7: 1–12.
  81. Caughley, G. 1981. Comments on: 'Natural Regulation of Ungulates (What Constitutes a Real Wilderness?)'. Wildlife Society Bulletin 9: 232–234.
  82. Caughley, G. 1981. Overpopulation. p. 7–19 in P.A. Jewell, S. Holt and D. Hart (eds.) Problems in Management of Locally Abundant Wild Mammals. Academic Press, New York.
  83. Caughley, G. 1981. What we do not know about the dynamics of large mammals. Chapter 18 in C.W. Fowler and T.D. Smith (eds.) Dynamics of Large Mammal Populations. Wiley-Interscience, New York.
  84. Caughley, G. and G.C. Grigg. 1981. Surveys of the Distribution and Density of Kangaroos in the Pastoral Zone of South Australia, and Their Bearing on the Feasibility of Aerial Survey in Large and Remote Areas. Australian Wildlife Research 8: 1–11.
  85. Caughley, G. 1982 Aerial Survey in Australia. p. 328–331 in T. Riney (ed.). Wildlife Management in the '80s. Field and Game Federation, Melbourne.
  86. Caughley, G. 1982 (REVIEW) Comparative Ecology by Y. Ito. (1980). Australian Journal of Ecology 7: 213.
  87. Caughley, G. 1982. Vegetation Complexity and the Dynamics of Modelled Grazing Systems. Oecologia 54: 309–319.
  88. Caughley, G. and D. Grice. 1982. A correction factor for counting emus from the air, and its application to counts in Western Australia. Australian Wildlife Research 9: 253–259.
  89. Caughley, G. and G.C. Grigg. 1982. Numbers and Distribution of Kangaroos in the Queensland Pastoral Zone. Australian Wildlife Research 9: 365–371.
  90. Caughley, G. 1983. Dynamics of Large Mammals and Their Relevance to Culling. p. 115–126 in R.N. Owen-Smith (ed.). Management of Large Mammals in African Conservation Areas. HAUM Publishers, Pretoria.
  91. Caughley, G. and S.V. Briggs. 1983. Management of waterfowl. Parks and Wildlife: Wetlands of New South Wales. C. Haigh (ed.) p. 68–72.
  92. Caughley, G., G.C. Grigg, and J. Short. 1983. How many kangaroos? Search 14: 151–152.
  93. Caughley, G. and C.J. Krebs. 1983. Are big mammals simply little mammals writ large? Oecologia 59: 7–17.
  94. Caughley, G. and B. Walker. 1983. Working with Ecological Ideas. Chapter 2 (p. 13–33) in A.A. Ferrar (ed.) Guidelines for the Management of Large Mammals in African Conservation Areas. South African National Scientific Programme Report Series, No.69.
  95. Macnab, John [pseudonym for Caughley, G., A.R.E. Sinclair, D. Houston, and R.H.J. Bell. 1983. Wildlife management as scientific experimentation. Wildlife Society Bulletin 11: 397–401.
  96. Caughley, G. 1984. On the Scientific Utilization of Airlines. Search 15: 17–18.
  97. Caughley, G. 1984. Determinants of Olympic Performance. Search 15: 248–249.
  98. Caughley, G. 1984. (REVIEW) Principles of Wildlife Management by J.A. Bailey. Quarterly Review of Biology 60: 95–96.
  99. Caughley, G., B. Brown, P. Dostine, and D. Grice. 1984. The Grey Kangaroo Overlap Zone. Australian Wildlife Research 11: 1–10.
  100. Short, J., G. Caughley, D. Grice, and B. Brown. 1984. The Distribution and Abundance of Kangaroos in Western Australia in Relation to Environment. Australian Wildlife Research 10: 435–451.
  101. Caughley, G. 1985. Address to the 37th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Deerstalkers' Association. New Zealand Wildlife 76: 12–15.
  102. Caughley, G. 1985 Harvesting of Wildlife: Past, Present and Future. p. 3–14 in S.L. Beasom and S.F. Roberson (eds). Game Harvest Management. Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Kingsville, Texas.
  103. Caughley, G. 1985 Problems in Wildlife Management. Chapter 13, pp 129–135 in H. Messel (ed.) The Study of Populations. Pergamon Press, Sydney.
  104. Caughley, G., B. Brown, and J. Noble. 1985. Movement of Kangaroos after a Fire in Mallee Woodland. Australian Wildlife Research 12: 349–353.
  105. Caughley, G., G.C. Grigg, and L. Smith. 1985. The Effect of Drought on Kangaroo Populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 49: 679–685.
  106. Grice, D., G. Caughley, and J. Short. 1985. Density and distribution of emus. Australian Wildlife Research 12: 69–73.
  107. Grigg, G.C., Beard, L.A., Caughley, G., Grice, D., Fletcher, M. and Southwell, C. 1985 The Australian kangaroo populations, 1984. Search 16: 277–279.
  108. Macnab, John [pseudonym for Houston, D., A.R.E. Sinclair, G. Caughley, and M.J. Norton-Griffiths]. 1985 Carrying capacity and related slippery shibboleths. Wildlife Society Bulletin 13: 403–410.
  109. Caughley, G. 1986 Rangelands, livestock and wildlife, the ecological equivalent of sulphur, saltpetre and charcoal. p. 545 in Joss, P. J., Lynch, P. W., and Williams, O. B. (eds), Rangelands, a Resource under Siege. Australian Academy of Science, Canberra.
  110. Grice, D., G. Caughley, and J Short. 1986. Density and Distribution of the Australian Bustard "Ardeotis australis". Biological Conservation 35: 259–267.
  111. Caughley, G. 1987 Chapter 1: Introduction. In Caughley, G., Shepherd, N. and Short, J. (eds.). Kangaroos: Their Ecology and Management in the Sheep.
  112. Caughley, G. 1987 Chapter 10: Ecological relationships. In Caughley, G., Shepherd, N. and Short, J. (eds.). Kangaroos: Their Ecology and Management in the Sheep Rangelands of Australia. p. 159–187. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  113. Caughley, G. 1987 The distribution of eutherian body weights. Oecologia 74: 319–320.
  114. Caughley, G. 1987 Drought and kangaroo populations: a response. Journal of Wildlife Management 51: 603–604.
  115. 1 2 Caughley, G. 1987 (REVIEW) Immigrant Killers: Introduced Predators and the Conservation of Birds in New Zealand by Carolyn King. Search 18: 55.
  116. Caughley, G., J. Short, G.C. Grigg, and H. Nix. 1987. Kangaroos and climate: an analysis of distribution. Journal of Animal Ecology 56: 751–761.
  117. Shepherd, N. and G. Caughley, G. 1987 Chapter 11: Options for management of kangaroos. In Caughley, G., Shepherd, N. and Short, J. (eds.). Kangaroos: Their Ecology and Management in the Sheep Rangelands of Australia. p. 188–219. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  118. Caughley, G. 1988 The colonisation of New Zealand by the Polynesians. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 18: 245–270.
  119. Caughley, G. 1988 Control of wild animals. p. 101–103 in A. E. Newton (ed) The Future of New Zealand's Wild Animals? New Zealand Deerstalkers' Association, Christchurch.
  120. Caughley, G. 1988 Plant-herbivore interactions. p. 51–52 in A. E. Newton (ed) The Future of New Zealand's Wild Animals? New Zealand Deerstalkers' Association, Christchurch.
  121. Caughley, G. 1988 A projection of ivory production and its implications for the conservation of African elephants. CSIRO Consultancy Report to CITES. 21 pp.
  122. Caughley, G. 1988 (REVIEW) Collins Guide to the Mammals of New Zealand, by M. Daniel and A. Baker. Search 19: 231.
  123. Caughley, G. 1988 Report to Tasmanian National Parks and Wildlife Service on Fallow Deer Survey Methods. Australian Deer 13(1): 13–18.
  124. Caughley, G., D. Grice, R. Barker, and B. Brown. 1988. The Edge of the Range. Journal of Animal Ecology 57: 771–785.
  125. Short, J., G. Caughley, D. Grice, B. Brown. 1988. The Distribution and Relative Abundance of Camels in Australia. Journal of Arid Environments 15: 91–97.
  126. Caughley, G. 1989. New Zealand Plant-Herbivore Systems: Past and Present. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 12 (Supplement): 3–10.
  127. Caughley, G. 1989 (REVIEW) Red Deer in the Highlands by T.H. Clutton-Brock and S.D. Albon. Australian Zoologist 25: 93.
  128. Caughley, G. 1989 (REVIEW) The Reindeer of South Georgia. The Ecology of an Introduced Population. by N. Leader-Williams. Journal of Animal Ecology 58: 1118.
  129. Fletcher, M., C.J. Southwell, N.W. Sheppard, G. Caughley, D. Grice, G.C. Grigg, L.A. Beard. 1989 Kangaroo population trends in the Australian rangelands, 1980–1987. Search 21: 28–29.
  130. Gunn, A., C. Shank, and G. Caughley. 1989. Report of the workshop on management options for rapidly expanding muskox populations using Banks Island as an example. Canadian Journal of Zoology 67: A37–A38.
  131. Caughley, G. 1990 Seminar 2000 – Control of wild animals. New Zealand Wildlife 90, 35–36. Reprint of Caughley, G. (1988) Control of wild animals.
  132. Caughley, G. 1990 A Review of Wildlife Research Projects. Consultancy report to Department of Renewable Resources, Government of the North West Territories, Canada.
  133. Caughley, G., B. Brown, and D. Grice. 1990 Report on cockatoo damage to roofing membranes. CSIRO consultancy report to ICI. 5 pp.
  134. Caughley, G., H. Dublin, and I. Parker. 1990 Projected decline of the African elephant. Biological Conservation 54:157–164.
  135. Barker, R.D. and G. Caughley. 1990 Distribution and abundance of kangaroos (Marsupialia: Macropodidae) at the time of European contact: Tasmania. Australian Mammalogy 13:157–166.
  136. Grice, D., G. Caughley, and B. Brown. 1990 Accuracy of aerial surveys. CSIRO consultancy report to Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. 31 pp.
  137. Caughley, G. 1991 A matter of opinion. CoResearch, December, Issue 345, p. 7.
  138. Caughley, G. 1991 (REVIEW) Panbio-geography. Special Issue of New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16(4) 1989, 815 pp, for Australian Geographic Studies 29: 189–191.
  139. Macnab, John [pseudonym for Houston, D., Sinclair, A.R.E., Caughley, G. and Norton-Griffiths, M.] . 1991. Does game cropping serve conservation? A re-examination of the African data. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69: 2283–2290.
  140. Stewart, Justice Donald, Caughley, G., and James D. 1991 Resource Assessment Commission: Forest and Timber Inquiry Draft Report. Vols 1 and 2. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. 1300 pp.
  141. Caughley, G., R. Pech, and D. Grice. 1992. Effect of fertility control on a population's productivity. Wildlife Research 19: 623–627.
  142. Barker, R.D. and Caughley, G. 1992. Distribution and abundance of kangaroos (Marsupialia: Macropodidae) at the time of European contact: Victoria. Australian Mammalogy 15: 81–88.
  143. Caughley, G. 1993. Elephants and economics. Conservation Biology 7: 943–945.
  144. Caughley, G., P. Grubb, and C.H. Peterson. 1993. Response by Australian Research Council to Report No. 6. Ecology 1986–1990. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. 48 pp.
  145. Caughley, G. and A. Gunn. 1993. Dynamics of Large Herbivores in Deserts: Kangaroos and Caribou. Oikos 67: 47–55.
  146. Caughley, G. 1994. Directions in Conservation Biology. Journal of Animal Ecology 63: 215-244.
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