Alavi Bohra
Basic history
One Dai succeeded another until the 23rd Dai in Yemen. In India also Wali-ul-Hind were appointed by them one after another until Wali-ul-Hind Moulai Jafer, Moulai Abdul Wahab and Moulai Qasim Khan bin Hasan (11th and last Wali-ul-Hind, d.950AH, Ahmedabad). The last three wali were of great help in the era of the 21st to 24th Dai. It was during this time when the Dawat was transferred to India from Yemen, that the 23rd Dai-al-Mutlaq Mohammed Ezzuddin performed nass (transfer of authority) on Yusuf Najmuddin ibn Sulaiman in Siddhpur, Gujarat, India.
Due to persecution by the local Zaydi Shi'a ruler in Yemen, the 24th Dai, Yusuf Najmuddin bin Sulayman (d.1567 AD), shifted the whole administration of the Dawat (mission) to India but continued to live in Yemen and died there. The 25th Dai Jalal Shamshuddin (d.1567 AD) was first dai to die in India; his mausoleum is in Ahmedabad, India. Dai Jalal's tenure as Dai was very short, only a few months, but before that he was Wali-ul Hind (after Moulai Qasim) for about 20 years under 24th Dai Yusuf while the Dai was in Yemen.
Following the death of the 26th Dai in 1591 CE, there was a dispute as to who was to succeed him. Suleman bin Hasan, the grandson of 24th Dai, was wali in Yemen and claimed the succession, supported by the other Yemeni Bohra. However, the Indian Bohra denied his claim of nass, declaring supporting documentation to be forged. The two factions separated, with the followers of Suleman becoming the Sulaymanis, and the followers of Dawood Bin Qutubshah becoming the Dawoodi Bohra.
After the death of the 28th daee al mutlaq, Sheikh Aadam Safiuddin, in 1622, a small faction of Alavi Bohra recognized his grandson Ali ibn Ibrahim (1046 AH/ 1637 AD) as his successor and seceded in 1204 AH/ 1789 AD from the majority Dawoodi Bohra recognizing the 29th Dai Abduttayyeb Zakiuddin, and have followed a separate line of daees residing mainly in Vadodara.
Ali was born in city of Vadodara, when 27th Dai Dawoodi bin Qutub Shah was alive in Ahmedabad. His father Ibrahim brought him to Ahmedabad in childhood. 28th Dai educated him.
Emergence of Alavi Bohras out of Ismailism

See also
- Atba-i-Malak
- Dawoodi Bohra
- Hebtiahs Bohra
- Patani Bohras
- Sulaymani Bohra
- Sunni Bohra
- 53rd Syedna succession controversy (Dawoodi Bohra)