3rd Dragoon Regiment (France)

The 3rd Dragoon Regiment (3e régiment de dragons or 3e RD) was a cavalry regiment in the French Army, it was active in various forms from 1649 to 1997.
French Royal Army
It was raised as an ordinary cavalry unit under the Ancien Régime in 1649 for the duc d'Enghien, son of the grand Condé. It was named the Bourbon-cavalerie from 1686 to 1776, when it was turned into a dragoon regiment under the name Bourbon-Dragons.
The Revolutionary Wars
It gained the name 3rd Dragoon Regiment in 1791.
The war of the First Coalition
It took part in the Battle of the Bridge of Arcole.
The Napoleonic Wars
War of the Third Coalition
It took part in the battle of Austerlitz.
War of the Fourth Coalition
It took part in the battle of Jena-Auerstädt as part of the Cavalry Reserve under Joachim Murat.
It took part in the battle of Friedland.
20th Century
It was disbanded on 30 June 1997.
Its motto was "Ardet et Audet" ("It burns and it dares"), which it first held in 1761, after the régiment de Noé (the former Clermont-Tonnerre) merged into it.