2009 flu pandemic in Venezuela

2009 swine flu outbreak
in Venezuela
  Confirmed cases
  Deaths confirmed
Disease Swine flu
Virus strain H1N1
Arrival date 28 May 2009
Deaths 115
Confirmed cases 2,545
Suspected cases 11,160[1]
Suspected cases have not been confirmed as being due to this strain of influenza by laboratory tests, although some other strains may have been ruled out.

The Influenza A (H1N1), also known by the name of swine flu, arrived to Venezuela in late May, on May 28. The first infected person was a 22-year-old man in San Antonio de Los Altos, Miranda State. He was participating on a meeting in Panamá, and returned to Venezuela carrying the virus inside.[2]



May 28: The disease arrived to Venezuela when a man from San Antonio de Los Altos, Miranda returned infected from Panamá. "This citizen traveled to Panamá on an activity of the Rotary Club, which was held on a hotel, which was attended by 150 people from seven countries of the continent" declared the minister, according to the Bolivarian News Agency. And according to the health authorities, the patient was perfectly fine, so his case wasn't critical and was isolated, in order to prevent him to spread the disease to other people.[3]

May 29: The second case was confirmed. It was the infected man's couple, who traveled to Panamá with him.[4]

May 31: Third case confirmed. The first case's mother was the infected person.[5]


June 3: A new case confirmed, making it the fourth on the country. The infected person was a young man, who came from Brazil, detected on the Aeropuerto Internacional de Maiquetía Simón Bolívar.[6][7]

June 7: 8 new cases confirmed. They were from Colombia, Panamá, France and the United States.[8]

June 9: First case detected on Táchira State, coming from a 50-year-old woman, who had recently come from the United States. The number of cases rose to 14.[9]

June 10: 25 cases confirmed in total. Two girls from 4 and 11 years old are reported on the Vargas State.[10]

June 12: The number of cases rose to 37. 5 of them are from Anzoátegui, 1 on Zulia, 1 on Aragua and another one on the Miranda State.[11]

June 13: By this day, the number of cases was of 40, even although the Ministry of Health informed the day before that the total number of cases was of 37, 2 cases were omitted.[12]

June 14: 44 cases confirmed up to date. 4 cases were confirmed on Nueva Esparta, Aragua, Mérida State and Miranda (One case per state).[13]

June 15: A new case confirmed on Aragua.

June 16: 52 total cases in Venezuela. 7 new cases, 4 of them are located on Aragua, and the remaining 3 on Miranda.

June 17: The health authorities placed an ocean cruiser on quarantine with more than 1.300 persons on board on Isla Margarita, since 3 persons were positive on the A (H1N1) virus exam. 8 new cases confirmed, increasing the total to 60, 4 on Miranda, 2 on Carabobo, 1 on Aragua and 1 on Anzoátegui.

June 20: For this date, the number of cases was 92, distributed in these regions: Anzoátegui: 17, Apure: 1, Aragua: 13, Bolivar: 2, Capital District: 2, Carabobo: 3, Guarico: 1, Lara: 1, Mérida: 6, Miranda: 29, Nueva Esparta: 3, Táchira: 6, Vargas: 2 and Zulia: 6.

Cases by Regions

Cases by Federal Entity[1]
Federal Entity Confirmed Suspected Deaths
Distrito Capital 419 1,562 5
Miranda 388 1,148 7
Zulia 210 951 9
Mérida 178 854 0
Carabobo 156 699 2
Anzoátegui 146 523 0
Aragua 133 659 11
Táchira 130 478 0
Lara 94 469 2
Bolívar 84 402 11
Monagas 67 375 11
Trujillo 62 410 0
Nueva Esparta 57 270 3
Yaracuy 48 246 1
Cojedes 48 199 0
Guárico 48 199 0
Apure 46 170 0
Falcon 45 207 1
Vargas 42 235 0
Barinas 42 226 1
Sucre 36 347 2
Amazonas 26 160 0
Portuguesa 22 300 0
Delta Amacuro 18 71 0
Total 2,545 11,160 115


Due to the increasing number cases on the neighbour countries, the president of the National Institute of Hygiene, Jesús Querales, assured last June 4, that the Venezuelan authorities would keep their efforts on the epidemiological surveillance in order to prevent the propagation of the virus.[14] According to the president, he said that the country has the necessary resources to fight the virus.[15]


  1. 1 2 "Portal-Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud-Venezuela – Content". Archived from the original on 2009-12-04. Retrieved 2009-12-04.
  2. http://www.abn.info.ve/noticia.php?articulo=184006 (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19. Archived 2009-09-10.
  3. http://www.europapress.es/internacional/noticia-gripe-confirmado-primer-caso-nueva-gripe-venezuela-ciudadano-viajo-panama-20090529021056.html (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19. Archived 2009-09-10.
  4. http://www.abn.info.ve/noticia.php?articulo=184219 (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19.
  5. http://www.noticia24.org/mundo/madre-es-contagiada-por-hijo-con-gripe-porcina-en-venezuela/ (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19.
  6. http://www.eluniversal.com/2009/06/03/pol_ava_ministro-de-salud-co_03A2363885.shtml (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19.
  7. http://www.adn.es/sociedad/20090603/NWS-2741-Confirmado-Venezuela-Brasil-pasajero-cuarto.html (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19.
  8. http://www.abn.info.ve/go_news5.php?articulo=185342 (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19.
  9. http://www.el-nacional.com/www/site/detalle_noticia.php?q=nodo/84837 (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19.
  10. http://deportes.eluniversal.com/2009/06/11/ten_art_a-25-casos-asciende_1426499.shtml (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19.
  11. http://www.eluniversal.com/2009/06/12/amun_ava_suben-a-37-los-casos_12A2385965.shtml (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19.
  12. http://www.el-nacional.com/www/site/p_contenido.php?q=nodo/85416/Ciencia%20y%20Bienestar/Casos-de-gripe-AH1N1-aumentaron-a-40-en-el-país (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19.
  13. "Llegan a 44 los casos confirmados de la gripe A en Venezuela". ADN.es. 14 June 2009. Archived from the original on 2009-09-10. Retrieved 1 September 2009.
  14. http://www.minuto59.com/en-venezuela/instituto-nacional-de-higiene-mantiene-cerco-epidemiologico-por-gripe-a/ (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19.
  15. http://www.el-nacional.com/www/site/p_contenido.php?q=nodo/84167/Ciencia%20y%20Bienestar/Autoridades-de-salud-mantienen-vigilancia-en-todo-el-pa%C3%ADs-ante-gripe-A (In Spanish) Retrieved on 2009-06-19.
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