1940 in Romania
Events from the year 1940 in Romania
- King: Carol II of Romania until September
- Prime Minister: Ion Gigurtu until September 4, Ion Antonescu
- June 28-July 4 - Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina
- July 1 - Dorohoi pogrom
- September 7 - Treaty of Craiova
- September 9 - Treznea massacre
- September 13/14 - Ip massacre
- November 10 - 1940 Vrancea earthquake
- November 26 - Jilava Massacre
- February 24 - Nicolae Martinescu, Olympic wrestler
- November 26 (killed in the Jilava Massacre):
- Gheorghe Argeşanu, general
- Victor Iamandi, politician
- Ioan Bengliu, Inspector-General of the Romanian Gendarmerie
- Mihail Moruzov, founder of the Romanian Secret Intelligence Service
- Aristide Macoveanu, major
- Iosif Dinulescu, major
- November 27:
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